Taylor Swift
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Taylor's chart wheel

Taylor Swift

December, 13th 1989 Local Time 8:36 AM Universal Time 1:36 PM

Wyomissing, Pennsylvania, United States 40°19'N, 75°57'W

Forecast : 9th September 2021 to 8th September 2022

Taylor Swift

December, 13th 1989 Local Time 8:36 AM Universal Time 1:36 PM

Wyomissing, Pennsylvania, United States 40°19'N, 75°57'W

All times based on current location of Wyomissing, United States

Jump to Planetary Positions

Prospects & Progress – Q&A Forecast

Answers to your key questions. Gain a deeper understanding of dealing with a series of events. Overcome obstacles and make the most of the outcome.

Three questions and answers relate to each event and provide further helpful insight into understanding–and making the most of – what is taking place.

It is widely accepted and understood that the positioning of planets acts as a 'heavenly blueprint.' In other words, what occurs on Earth is represented above.

Your Prospects & Progress – Q&A Forecast explains the planetary connections affecting your Discipline (Saturn), Luck (Jupiter), Freedom (Uranus), and Attitude (Mercury).

Due to the regular orbit of the planets, your reading reveals the precise timing of trends and events.

Planetary movement (Transits) affects your birth chart and reveals significant variations of each planet's influence.

Long Term Trends & Events

Discipline - Saturn
In your birth chart, Saturn represents your limitations, fears. How you structure your life and discipline yourself.

Saturn Keywords: Agriculture, archaeology, architecture, bones, discipline, history, land, minerals, old age, perseverance, restriction, Saturday, and self-control.

Luck - Jupiter
In your birth chart, Jupiter represents where you should be most optimistic. It indicates where you are likely to be the luckiest. It also reveals where most opportunities await during your lifetime.

Jupiter Expansion, growth, healing, higher education, law, long-distance travel, luck, media, miracles, religion, and wealth.

Freedom - Uranus
In your birth chart, Uranus represents where you are most likely to need freedom. Be experimental, innovative, or 'dare to be different.'

Uranus Keywords: Change, disruption, environmental issues, future, humanitarian issues, innovation, rebelliousness, revolution, risks, surprises, technology, and upheaval.

Month By Month Forecasts

Attitude - Mercury
In your birth chart, Mercury represents the way your mind works. Your thought patterns, what interests you, and your attitude to acquiring information

Mercury Bargaining, books, computers, intellect, logic, messages, signals, talking, mobiles, Wednesdays, wit, writing, and youth.

Your Transit Calendar

Saturn Trends & Events

Discipline - Saturn
In your birth chart, Saturn represents your limitations, fears. How you structure your life and discipline yourself.

Saturn Keywords: Agriculture, archaeology, architecture, bones, discipline, history, land, minerals, old age, perseverance, restriction, Saturday, and self-control.

January 31st 2022 onwards to February 17th 2022

Impressive and far-reaching

Transiting Saturn Squares your natal Pluto

Common sense needs to be applied to what is needed in a 'practical' sense. Once done, a way forward can be identified. Push aside what is superfluous. Focus your attention on the truth or harsh reality of a situation, and it will be possible to make something impressive and far-reaching happen.

What if I have misunderstood what is meant by 'practical'?

If you look beyond what's obvious in a particular situation, your instincts will reveal the most practical option.

How will I be able to determine what is superfluous or unnecessary from what's necessary?

The more effort you make to see the reality of the situation or face the truth within it, the easier it will be to separate what's necessary from what's unnecessary.

Will discovering the truth of something be unpleasant or inspiring?

Once you become aware of how it motivates you to move it from its present form, you'll be in no doubt about how inspired you are.

February 12th 2022 onwards to March 2nd 2022

Psychological barrier

Transiting Saturn Conjuncts your natal North Node

You could prefer to remain in a self-created comfort zone in the belief it safeguards you from possible heartbreak or failure. It could become obvious at this time that the biggest obstacle to happiness or success is a psychological barrier you've created yourself that prevents you from doing so. Be willing to remove yourself from a comfort zone now.

If this comfort zone is protective in such ways, then doesn't it make sense for me to remain in it?

It may provide comfort, but it's also preventing you from gaining access to or achieving what truly matters to you and is important.

But will it take considerable adjusting on my part?

All change brings a brief period of upheaval and insecurity. But it won't take you long to see the benefits of removing yourself from something that hampers your chances of happiness or success.

Is it not possible to enjoy the best of both worlds? Can I not remain in the comfort zone but still pursue what's important?

Although the comfort zone you're entrenched in might shield you from what you don't want to see or experience, it also prevents what's good from entering your world.

February 12th 2022 onwards to March 2nd 2022

Reduce anxieties

Transiting Saturn Opposes your natal South Node

You might be so fixated on how you project or convey yourself, or what might go wrong that you find it impossible to push aside worries and relax. You probably feel more relaxed with people who are reserved in the same way you are and won't push you to be someone you aren't. That's fine - as long as you don't allow your anxieties to hold you back from making progress where you can – and deserve to.

But if I'm keen to focus so intently on how I project or convey myself, then is it because there is a problem with either or both?

This probably stems from you taking too seriously the way others see you.

But what if I don't believe I'm taking what others think of me too seriously?

Be honest about the lengths you are going to in order to be seen in a particular way. Then, be honest about what you're not obliged to do.

If I can push aside anxieties, then how long will it take before I make reassuring progress?

Evidence may not be immediate, but you will feel reassured you're on the right path to take confident and comfortable strides.

March 15th 2022 onwards to April 6th 2022

Playing the waiting game

Transiting Saturn Sextiles your natal Sun, REPEATED when retrograde from 5th August 2022 to 2nd September 2022. Exact 19th August

It's fair to say you have real responsibilities. You also have real opportunities. Chances are, you're wondering how you have found yourself in a vulnerable position. Part of you wishes it could take control, be in charge, and force a result to manifest. In your heart, you know you have more waiting to do. For now, be patient. Accept what is happening - and what has yet to unfold.

Is this time likely to feel confusing?

That's possible, but it's also because something is shifting in a way that will bring a significant improvement.

If I possess such an intense desire to control or force a result, then does that mean I'm dissatisfied with my current circumstances?

You're not necessarily dissatisfied but can certainly sense that a particular result is achievable or attainable. That could be why you're keen to hasten the process.

How long must I wait?

That's difficult to determine. However, you probably won't have to wait until the entire process has completed or manifested. You will be able to take significant and reassuring steps along the way.

Jupiter Trends & Events

Luck - Jupiter
In your birth chart, Jupiter represents where you should be most optimistic. It indicates where you are likely to be the luckiest. It also reveals where most opportunities await during your lifetime.

Jupiter Expansion, growth, healing, higher education, law, long-distance travel, luck, media, miracles, religion, and wealth.

October 6th to 29th 2021



Transiting Jupiter Retrograde Sextiles your natal Sun

It's likely you're on the receiving end of a certain person's grievance or perceived issue. This presents you with a dilemma: do you do the 'courteous thing' by listening and providing comforting advice? Or might it be more helpful to be honest with you-know-who and suggest they become less dependent on you? Consider your needs with this.

How should I offer assistance but also encourage someone to deal with their issue themselves?

That's the balance that only you can connect with and address. The fact that someone releases frustration your direction probably means they believe you can offer advice or input they need. But you're not obliged to do any more than that.

But am I obliged to help with someone's grievance or issue?

That's up to you. Be aware of how a problem shared can become a problem doubled, sometimes.

But if I appear aloof or cold to this person, will they not come to me for assistance in the future?

Possibly. But being a tiny bit cruel to be kind isn't a bad idea.

December 2nd to 16th 2021

Honest and sensitive

Transiting Jupiter Squares your natal Mars

All relationships experience tension. Like pepper added to a stew, this provides the necessary 'spice.' But we all know what happens when we add too much spice to a recipe. An intense – possibly 'over the top' – exchange is brewing. Try to ensure that whatever you say is said with honesty but also with plenty of sensitivity.

Is it up to me to diffuse tension in this connection or exchange?

It's not entirely up to you. But you can be certain that what you give, you'll receive. Focus solely on that.

But if I'm honest with someone, is the truth likely to add to potential problems - or hurt?

Transparency is needed - and on both sides. The more you make yourself open and receptive, the easier it will be for someone to do the same.

Is it possible that allowing tension to increase might 'clear the air' helpfully or necessarily?

It might. But if things become tense, then you will have to return eventually to a calm, open, and two-way exchange. But possibly with an apology - or two - included!

January 4th to 14th 2022

Shift your focus

Transiting Jupiter Trines your natal MidHeaven

You could believe attention coming your way could be a bit too much, too soon. If that's the case, then step back out of the spotlight. Focus instead on opportunities that involve travel, are career-related, or home-related.

Isn't any attention received from others 'good attention'?

That depends on how intense or boundary-crossing you find it to be!

Should my focus on other opportunities be done to pursue them solo?

Not necessarily, but there could be benefits to enjoying 'you time' in such ways.

Will stepping back out of the spotlight benefit me?

It could give you time and space you need if attention from others has become intense.

January 9th to 19th 2022

Seeing potential within

Transiting Jupiter Trines your natal Moon

It doesn't take long for some situations to become stuck in ruts. We allow many to become stale or predictable. Where a stagnant situation in your world is concerned, you can inject fresh life and optimism into it. Try to see the potential that exists within a scenario that may have become predictable of late.

What if I have tried to inject life into this scenario previously but failed?

You could find circumstances are better this time to alter it in a way that is more helpful and inspiring.

If a situation has become stuck or stale, then might that be because I don't believe it has any life in it?

You may have overlooked the potential it offers – but are unlikely to do so now.

Would it not be better if I chose to focus my time and effort on creating a new and more inspiring situation rather than give attention to something old and tired?

Why not do both? You double your chances of feeling more enthused, motivated, and optimistic!

January 15th to 24th 2022

Shared discoveries

Transiting Jupiter Sextiles your natal Uranus

It doesn't matter how long we've known a certain person; there's always something interesting waiting to be discovered about them. The enlightenment you receive about someone could be worth sharing with them. It may help them to learn something about themselves they didn't know!

Is it possible that this person might not appreciate me knowing something about them that they don't?

It depends on how you present it - and how quickly you present it! Suppressing what you know might make it appear as if you have an agenda of some kind.

Is it possible that I could learn something about myself from what I discover about whoever-it-is?

Absolutely. If what you share intrigues them, then it's worth seeing how it applies to you.

Is there a risk that I might provide insights about something they'd prefer not to know or have deliberately concealed?

That's unlikely. What you're offering is an observation, and one they're likely to appreciate and take on board.

January 28th 2022 onwards to February 7th 2022

Fun people have more fun

Transiting Jupiter Trines your natal Jupiter

You're encouraged to show a side to you that others possibly rarely see. Allow the playful side of you to take over briefly. Your exuberant vibe could be precisely what friends or those closest to you need now, especially if they're nurturing negative thoughts or feelings.

Is this likely to apply only to social settings?

No, you could be the kind of company that family members or work colleagues will want – and appreciate!

What if my idea of what's funny doesn't match someone else's?

Keep any conversations or exchanges flowing. You're bound to find a middle ground at some point.

Will it be necessary for me always to make an effort to create a lighthearted vibe?

You could create that effortlessly by simply being yourself. Don't believe you must go to great lengths to make others laugh or turn frowns upside down!

January 30th 2022 onwards to February 9th 2022

Finding common ground

Transiting Jupiter Sextiles your natal Ascendant

Like, as we know, is attracted to like. We don't need scientific explanations regarding how or why this happens. So, allow interest shown toward you continue. It can put you in a superb position to meet others with whom you'll have much to share and discuss.

Is there a chance this interest shown toward me will be unwanted?

You have a choice about who you respond to. But you'll also be aware of who you 'click' or connect strongly with, too.

What if I believe my interests are unique and unlikely to interest others?

Perhaps you'll meet someone who feels similarly about what interests them. Imagine what you could create uniquely together!

Would I be more likely to attract others if I was more knowledgeable about my interest(s)?

The fact that you and at least one person share an interest at a basic level is enough to get things started.

February 2nd to 12th 2022

Let it flow

Transiting Jupiter Sextiles your natal Mercury

You're encouraged to speak your mind or instigate an open and honest discussion. But you could find that, once you get talking, a conversation could go on until the early hours of the morning – and for all of the right reasons!

Am I at risk of saying too much?

It is possible, or at least trying to apply a mental filter to all that you want to say could prove difficult. But your words could be very engaging and enlightening at the same time.

If I encourage an open discussion, does that mean I must do most of the talking?

Absolutely not. You'll likely be aware of how much you want to say, but listening is equally as important. Try to find that essential balance.

Nobody likes incessant chatterboxes. How can I ensure I don't become one?

See the bit above about balancing chatting with listening!

February 13th to 22nd 2022

Psychic bonding

Transiting Jupiter Sextiles your natal Neptune

If you're willing to open your mind to the possibility that you and someone can share a deep, unspoken connection, then you're likely to discover that it happens. Be willing to share your feelings and encourage someone to do the same. Once this psychic gateway gets opened, it may never, ever close.

Is this the kind of connection where two people finish each other's sentences?

Indeed. That's likely to happen frequently with this celestial influence.

But if much can be conveyed without speaking, is it necessary to say verbally how I and possibly someone else feel?

Even if your instincts are 100% accurate about what you sense someone thinks or feels, expressing either or both verbally can only be helpful.

Is this the kind of mental connection that can help me to form a creative partnership?

Absolutely! It won't take you long to discover how 'on the same page' you and someone are, imaginatively and creatively.

February 22nd 2022 onwards to March 3rd 2022

If you're certain, then proceed

Transiting Jupiter Sextiles your natal Saturn

You could receive a glimpse into the future if you're willing to take a step toward an important aspiration. This could be taken to a new and exciting level. Be careful what you wish for, though. There are long-term implications surrounding decisions made now.

A glimpse is helpful - but will more detailed information be available in time?

The glimpse you receive is intended to encourage you to feel inspired enough to make the necessary effort to get a process underway. Further insights or reassurance will come from doing so.

Why must I be careful what I wish for?

Because the 'chase' where a particular aspiration is concerned could be more thrilling than the 'catch.' You might achieve what you've believed you've always wanted only to discover you preferred the thrill of trying to get it!

Does 'long-term' mean I won't be able to change my mind in the future?

Not at all. But try to accept that you're putting strong foundations in place - and the celestial climate offers plenty of luck or perfect timing to do so!

February 28th 2022 onwards to March 9th 2022

New perspectives bring healing

Transiting Jupiter Trines your natal Chiron

You have a chance to gain new perspectives on attitudes, beliefs, and what inspires you. By bringing new levels of peace and harmony to your world, you're able to heal old wounds. By extending compassion and generosity to others, you can help do the same for them.

Is it possible I could learn something of value from others?

Absolutely. But don't rule out how you can bring new levels of inspiration, comfort, and healing to their world.

What if I don't receive the same level of open-mindedness and compassion from others?

The more you make yourself open and receptive to learning about others, the more you'll likely discover they drop their guard. It's this two-way openness that helps to form or strengthen bonds now.

What if the new perspective and philosophies I discover aren't of interest to others?

Allow yourself time to understand these before trying to persuade others to accept them.

March 6th to 15th 2022

Time to think big…or bigger!

Transiting Jupiter Trines your natal Pluto

The fact that you're 'thinking bigger' in some way could be an indication that something must change. That's why you're encouraged to set your sights higher. Deciding there is more to life than you're experiencing is likely to bring a change that won't go unnoticed!

Might setting my sights higher result in disappointment?

You won't know unless you try. But you can be certain that, if you aim at nothing, then you'll hit it!

Thinking bigger is fine – but will I only create fantasies that don't stand a chance of becoming real?

Every important aspiration you've achieved in the past started with a clearly-defined, inspired thought. That's the process you're embarking upon now.

Does 'thinking bigger' apply to every area of my life or one in particular?

It applies to any area you want to experience profound transformation within. Take your pick, if necessary!

March 27th 2022 onwards to April 6th 2022

See the bigger picture

Transiting Jupiter Squares your natal Sun

Try to see a 'bigger picture' where an area of your world is concerned. Much time and effort might be required to bring it to a satisfactory level. But this can be done if you're willing to push aside a belief that a situation is too complex or requires more effort than you're willing to give.

Is a bigger picture too far off in the distance to look at now?

It exists to inspire and motivate you. It also forms an integral part of what you're keen to put in place in the present.

How will I know when I have invested enough effort to create something satisfactory?

Trust your instincts to guide you where reducing your effort is concerned.

Will pushing aside a belief I've clung to for some time be difficult?

You'll have enough inspiring reasons to do so without struggling!

April 19th to 29th 2022

Share and share alike

Transiting Jupiter Trines your natal Mars

Be more considerate and obliging toward others now. You possess heightened energy and passion levels that may need to be managed carefully. But try to see the difference between determination and forcefulness.

Is passion not meant to be released and enjoyed, rather than restricted?

Passion in measured doses is needed now. You might be unaware of how overpowering yours is or could be!

Is it possible others could find my heightened energy attractive?

Yes, as long as it doesn't become forceful - or too competitive!

Is this passion at risk of being applied negatively?

Yes, if you allow it to fuel any tense conversations or exchanges.

May 14th to 26th 2022

Bringing it all together

Transiting Jupiter Sextiles your natal Venus

We often receive from others what we give. The positive and optimistic glow you feel or are about to feel is the result of encouraging closeness between you and certain people. The feel-good factor combined with a loving disposition available now can only enhance your connection with others - or someone in particular!

Is my feel-good vibe at risk of being deflated if others don't connect with it?

The secret is to allow your authentic positive qualities to emerge. Trying too hard could result in you coming across too strongly.

Does forming or strengthening connections or one, in particular, rely on me making others or someone laugh?

Not necessarily. Although you could be well-placed to do so, it's the lighthearted, carefree and jovial vibe you emit that others will appreciate and want to share.

Is my optimism based on something solid, rather than whimsical or idealistic?

Does it matter? The support you receive now can help you to make progress in ways that a negative or pessimistic mindset could never come close to achieving!

May 23th 2022 onwards to June 5th 2022

Keep emotions in check

Transiting Jupiter Squares your natal Moon

Sparks, as we know, tend to create fires and raging infernos if we allow them to. You could be prone to arousing deep and possibly hidden feelings. But these could be at risk of being exaggerated. Avoid reacting too emotionally or making a bigger deal out of something than is necessary.

What if I can't help but release emotions in the way they want to manifest?

Releasing emotions is fine and natural. But it's more important that you do so having gained a realistic perspective on a particular matter.

What if I believe the most natural and appropriate reaction is an intensely emotional one?

Then take that as your cue to focus on a way forward or a solution, rather than see a problem that's likely to appear inflated anyway.

Will I be dealing with whatever-it-is on my own?

Only if you choose to. But anyone willing to assist you will want to know you're prepared to see the matter calmly and rationally.

May 30th 2022 onwards to June 14th 2022

Too much protectiveness

Transiting Jupiter Squares your natal Uranus

You might have reasons for defending or protecting yourself against what appears to be a repeat of a previously hurtful or upsetting experience. But things are different now. Apply what you learned previously. Accept that circumstances are far removed from what they were. You really can afford to relax.

What signs of reassurance will I receive to feel less primed or defensive?

You have them already – in the form of lessons learned previously that you didn't have available. These can bring a much more pleasing result this time.

What if circumstances appear identical to those previously?

They may appear similar, but they certainly won't be identical. You're armed with experience-based wisdom this time relating to them. Use and apply it!

Is this situation likely to repeat itself in the future?

Probably – but you'll be armed with even more wisdom to deal with and resolve it!

June 21st 2022 onwards to July 23th 2022

Quiet word

Transiting Jupiter Squares your natal Jupiter, REPEATED when retrograde from 2nd August 2022 to 2nd September 2022. Exact 23rd August

We all seek praise and occasional adoration. There's nothing wrong with that, as a bit of both now and again does us good. However, some people seek more of both than most people are prepared to give. If someone is becoming irksome by going to great lengths to seek attention, have a quiet word with them.

Is it my responsibility to do this?

That might be a question others ask themselves, which may explain why nobody is taking the initiative to be honest with this individual. You're superbly placed to be that person now.

But telling someone they're annoying is unlikely to be helpful. What more should I say?

In truth, it might be better to say very little. Being the listener someone needs might be a wiser strategy.

Is it unfair to expect this person to dial back their attention-seeking qualities?

It's by asking supportive questions that you not only offer the attention someone wants but can also possibly reveal why they are so keen to encourage it.

June 26th 2022 onwards to August 28th 2022


Transiting Jupiter Squares your natal Ascendant

How much are you willing to give, and, more to the point, how much are you willing to accept in an area of your world? Note that the word 'accept' shouldn't be confused with the world 'tolerate.' What matters now is how able you are to interact with others and willing you are to be a recipient for a change rather than a giver.

Won't I appear selfish by wanting to receive rather than give?

You can be integral to creating balance in such a way where it might be needed. Allowing others a chance to reciprocate your kind or supportive gestures might be what some people have waited for.

Might I appear to be fussy or pedantic by drawing attention to what I may have tolerated?

You have a chance to nip others' complacent attitudes in the bud. For as long as you choose to say nothing about what you'd like to change or improve, everyone thinks you're happy with the situation.

I'm expected to interact with others and also create some distance at the same time. How does that work?

That's the balance you must find or create to help your needs to be acknowledged and addressed more - or more often!

July 4th 2022 onwards to August 21st 2022


The art of listening

Transiting Jupiter Retrograde Squares your natal Mercury

You could have plenty to say now – and some of it might be a bit intense. That's why listening is as important as speaking. Be receptive, fair, and open-minded wherever possible.

If what I have to say is intense, is it possible I have suppressed it for some time?

Maybe. But your words could undoubtedly be noticeably more 'barbed' now - either intentionally or unintentionally!

Will whoever-it-is reciprocate my willingness to listen?

That depends on whether you make that need clear from the outset. Allow someone to 'say their piece' with the understanding you'll have your chance to do the same.

It sounds like progress with this person relies on me taking the initiative to guide or steer conversations. Is that the case?

It might be, initially. But you are well-placed to take the lead and steer an exchange into calmer waters than it may have headed toward.

Uranus Trends & Events

Freedom - Uranus
In your birth chart, Uranus represents where you are most likely to need freedom. Be experimental, innovative, or 'dare to be different.'

Uranus Keywords: Change, disruption, environmental issues, future, humanitarian issues, innovation, rebelliousness, revolution, risks, surprises, technology, and upheaval.

September 16th 2021 onwards to November 12th 2021


A positive attitude works wonders

Transiting Uranus Retrograde Trines your natal Saturn, REPEATED when direct from 22nd March 2022 to 29th April 2022. Exact 11th April

You're able to exert a positive influence where one is needed. If you're not yet seeing evidence of how adopting a positive frame of mind is helpful in more than one way, then you will do soon. Persevere with integrity. Above all, do your best to see situations realistically. You are dealing with change that will affect much that has been stable and secure in your world. But with the right attitude, you can see how new foundations are being put in place that will benefit you more.

What if I'm unable to see where my positive influence can be applied?

You don't need to identify specific areas where it can be applied. But trust that you can apply it when it's necessary to do so.

How will I know if I see situations realistically?

Your instincts will be your best guide regarding that. All that's needed is plenty of honesty to be applied to what you see.

How long will it take for these new foundations to be put in place?

That depends largely on how willing you are to embrace the change unfolding now. The more you embrace it, the sooner it can work the magic it intends to bring.

November 15th 2021 onwards to March 20th 2022

Separating fact from fiction

Transiting Uranus Trines your natal Neptune

Sometimes, people manage to convince themselves of what's not accurate or truthful by telling themselves enough times that it is. Bear that in mind with something you're told and expected to believe. But trust your instincts to separate truth and magic from what's less than truthful and magical because you're well placed to achieve a wish. Be imaginative by all means but also be sensible.

Does this mean someone is deliberately trying to deceive me?

Not necessarily. But they could have an inaccurate grasp of the truth and might not see any problem with this.

What if I don't trust my instincts to separate fact from fiction?

If you make a concerted effort to listen to them, then you'll find they only tell you the truth.

Am I at risk of disappointment if I don't achieve this wish?

Yes, but much depends on how much imagination and faith you're willing to summon and apply.

April 21st 2022 onwards to May 27th 2022

Revelations and optimism

Transiting Uranus Sextiles your natal Chiron

You have a chance to assess your life honestly to see how it can be improved. You can completely revamp it if you choose to. If something hasn't been 'working,' now you know what it is and how to 'fix' it. Trust the optimism permeating your world now, regardless of past troubles. You're viewing your future with fresh eyes. Now that you know what you want, and you've got creative ideas about how to achieve it, you can resolve past hurts because you now accept they served a purpose.

What if my idea of how to improve my world is inaccurate?

If you assess any changes honestly, then they're unlikely to be inaccurate.

What if I prefer not to 'revamp' my world or take any drastic action?

Then that's your choice. But the optimism permeating your world exists to help you and push you in a particular direction.

Does this mean I'm applying lessons from the past to create a more inspiring future?

I couldn't have put it better myself!

May 16th 2022 onwards to June 25th 2022

New arrangement emerging

Transiting Uranus Opposes your natal Pluto

The more you insist upon retaining control over a situation, the more frustrated you're likely to become. Relax and have faith in what appears to have altered beyond recognition is undergoing a positive process of change and transformation. It is doing so because it needs to be changed and transformed from its current and (no longer appropriate) state. Soon, you will find yourself in a stronger and more inspiring position from which a new arrangement or agreement can be made.

If I'm determined to retain control over a situation, then does that not mean I know what's best for me?

That's the problem. You could be oblivious to how a particular change does have your best interests at heart.

But to say something is changing beyond recognition means that I'm dealing with profound and potentially uncomfortable change, correct?

It will certainly be profound, and it may be uncomfortable briefly. But it won't take you long to see the benefits of what's altering.

Will I feel reassured that a new arrangement or agreement will be better for me?


June 12th 2022 onwards to November 7th 2022

Question the need to be different

Transiting Uranus Squares your natal North Node

You could be keen to steer clear of traditions or anything considered 'normal' that even hints at restricting the freedom you cherish. It's great to have such a unique approach but ask yourself why you feel the need to be different. Then ask yourself what you stand to lose due to your relentless pursuit for independence.

But if I possess a genuine desire to be different, then shouldn't I follow my heart?

Yes, but be honest with yourself about why you're so keen to be different or do something differently. An honest appraisal could bring a surprising answer.

Is it possible that others might follow my lead or respect my decision to be different?

Much depends on how confident they are that you do so for the right reasons. That's what you must assess now.

How do I stand to lose anything by wanting to be independent?

Your desire could be so strong that you push away or ignore whoever or whatever needs or deserves a place in your world.

June 12th 2022 onwards to November 7th 2022

Rebel under control

Transiting Uranus Squares your natal South Node

This could be a time when you adopt a more open mind toward traditional values. It might be possible to reject limitations and restrictions without having to dismiss something that offers tremendous potential for happiness. With a bit of willingness and imagination on your part, you could enjoy the best of both worlds now.

Is this because I see stability and security within what is traditional?

It's possible, especially if an area of your world has been volatile or erratic recently.

Are limitations or restrictions hampering my ability to be happy?

That's likely to be the case. That's why you might need to remove a few.

So is it fair to say my mission now involves balancing what's traditional and predictable with what's spontaneous or unusual?

That's correct.

Forecast for 9th September to 30th September 2021

Tuesday 7th September

The answer is in the past

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Saturn from 7th to 10th September 2021. Exact 9th September

Something from your past needs revisiting and re-examining now. To make a positive change, all you need to do is accept that there is something you don't know or know enough about. Whatever happened previously will help you identify this. Once you do, you will begin to ask questions about something from your past that has confused you that will then lead to a precious discovery.

If I can't change the past, then is there any point looking backward?

It's true you can't change the past. However, you can draw a valuable lesson from it, and that's what you're encouraged to do now.

But aren't circumstances in the past considerably different to what I'm dealing with now?

They're bound to be. But that doesn't mean important similarities don't exist.

Will I find some answers uncomfortable?

Possibly, but many you receive or the insights you gain will make any brief discomfort worth it.

Thursday 9th September

Making amends

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Chiron from 9th to 11th September 2021. Exact 10th September

We know when we've hit the emotional bullseye with our intention to wound someone verbally. But our conscience soon makes clear how wrong we were to inflict pain deliberately. If you know someone deserves an apology for hurtful words you said in the past, then it's not too late to make amends. Consider how you'll feel if you do.

What if I feel I was right to say what was said?

With the benefit of hindsight, you will undoubtedly accept that whatever you said could have been conveyed more sensitively.

Is a lengthy discussion needed to put this right?

Not necessarily. It's more important that you make an effort to repair anything that needs repairing.

Should I expect an apology from someone in return?

You shouldn't expect one, but if one does come your way, then accept it graciously.

Saturday 11th September

You'll need a co-pilot

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal North Node from 11th to 14th September 2021. Exact 13th September

You could feel extra determined to ensure that a plan doesn't become derailed at this time. One way to ensure this involves having a partner of some kind accompany you on your ambitious journey. Embracing the spirit of teamwork and discussing your dreams with someone can result in exciting ideas created together for the future.

What if this plan or dream is something I'm keen to pursue solo?

Give putting two heads together to create this plan a chance and see what happens.

Will involving a partner mean I must compromise my goal or cherished aspiration?

It probably won't take you long to discover how embracing the spirit of partnership doubles its chances of success.

What if something important to me must incorporate the needs of someone else?

You and someone will both be inspired by a vision of the future, and will get the balance right.

Also on Saturday

Meeting of minds

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal South Node from 11th to 14th September 2021. Exact 13th September

You could be keen to encourage more of a 'quid pro quo' arrangement with a certain person regarding the sharing of ideas, thoughts, feelings, and desires. You're willing to be open with them, provided they are equally open with you. This can do much to strengthen the intellectual connection between you.

What if somebody isn't receptive to sharing such openness?

You can be integral to bringing balance to this relationship. What you're encouraging will create a much deeper level of trust. With that in place, someone will be more willing to be open with you.

Will the level of openness between us be imbalanced at first?

Possibly. But once a deeper level of trust exists, then much will become balanced.

Is it essential for me to take the lead to encourage openness or vulnerability?

If you take the initiative, then you could shorten a process that could be long otherwise.

Wednesday 15th September

Exploring your options

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Sun from 15th to 19th September 2021. Exact 17th September

You are presented with an opportunity to instigate a change that will get you out of a rut that you may feel you're stuck in. It's possible you can remove yourself from a tedious drama and, where your relationship with someone is concerned, introduce life where tedium is all too present. You have more choices than you thought you did, and that's what needs to be understood now.

Will I invite a wave of upheaval by instigating this change?

Upheaval always accompanies change in some way. But it will be brief, and the improvement will be worth it.

Is it not possible that this tedious situation would improve itself on its own?

Your comfort zone has developed a comfort zone of its own. There's no telling when it would have improved itself.

Is it important to introduce this change gradually?

All positive change is gradual. But you can introduce it at a pace that suits you.

Forecast for October 2021

Sunday 3rd October


Exploring your options

Transiting Mercury Retrograde Sextiles your natal Sun from 3rd to 6th October 2021. Exact 5th October , REPEATED when direct from 29th to 31st October 2021. Exact 31st October

You are presented with an opportunity to instigate a change that will get you out of a rut that you may feel you're stuck in. It's possible you can remove yourself from a tedious drama and, where your relationship with someone is concerned, introduce life where tedium is all too present. You have more choices than you thought you did, and that's what needs to be understood now.

Will I invite a wave of upheaval by instigating this change?

Upheaval always accompanies change in some way. But it will be brief, and the improvement will be worth it.

Is it not possible that this tedious situation would improve itself on its own?

Your comfort zone has developed a comfort zone of its own. There's no telling when it would have improved itself.

Is it important to introduce this change gradually?

All positive change is gradual. But you can introduce it at a pace that suits you.

Wednesday 6th October


You'll need a co-pilot

Transiting Mercury Retrograde Trines your natal North Node from 6th to 9th October 2021. Exact 8th October , REPEATED when direct from 27th to 29th October 2021. Exact 28th October

You could feel extra determined to ensure that a plan doesn't become derailed at this time. One way to ensure this involves having a partner of some kind accompany you on your ambitious journey. Embracing the spirit of teamwork and discussing your dreams with someone can result in exciting ideas created together for the future.

What if this plan or dream is something I'm keen to pursue solo?

Give putting two heads together to create this plan a chance and see what happens.

Will involving a partner mean I must compromise my goal or cherished aspiration?

It probably won't take you long to discover how embracing the spirit of partnership doubles its chances of success.

What if something important to me must incorporate the needs of someone else?

You and someone will both be inspired by a vision of the future, and will get the balance right.

Also on Wednesday


Meeting of minds

Transiting Mercury Retrograde Sextiles your natal South Node from 6th to 9th October 2021. Exact 8th October , REPEATED when direct from 27th to 29th October 2021. Exact 28th October

You could be keen to encourage more of a 'quid pro quo' arrangement with a certain person regarding the sharing of ideas, thoughts, feelings, and desires. You're willing to be open with them, provided they are equally open with you. This can do much to strengthen the intellectual connection between you.

What if somebody isn't receptive to sharing such openness?

You can be integral to bringing balance to this relationship. What you're encouraging will create a much deeper level of trust. With that in place, someone will be more willing to be open with you.

Will the level of openness between us be imbalanced at first?

Possibly. But once a deeper level of trust exists, then much will become balanced.

Is it essential for me to take the lead to encourage openness or vulnerability?

If you take the initiative, then you could shorten a process that could be long otherwise.

Saturday 9th October


Making amends

Transiting Mercury Retrograde Squares your natal Chiron from 9th to 11th October 2021. Exact 10th October , REPEATED when direct from 24th to 27th October 2021. Exact 26th October

We know when we've hit the emotional bullseye with our intention to wound someone verbally. But our conscience soon makes clear how wrong we were to inflict pain deliberately. If you know someone deserves an apology for hurtful words you said in the past, then it's not too late to make amends. Consider how you'll feel if you do.

What if I feel I was right to say what was said?

With the benefit of hindsight, you will undoubtedly accept that whatever you said could have been conveyed more sensitively.

Is a lengthy discussion needed to put this right?

Not necessarily. It's more important that you make an effort to repair anything that needs repairing.

Should I expect an apology from someone in return?

You shouldn't expect one, but if one does come your way, then accept it graciously.

Sunday 10th October


The answer is in the past

Transiting Mercury Retrograde Squares your natal Saturn from 10th to 13th October 2021. Exact 12th October , REPEATED when direct from 22nd to 25th October 2021. Exact 24th October

Something from your past needs revisiting and re-examining now. To make a positive change, all you need to do is accept that there is something you don't know or know enough about. Whatever happened previously will help you identify this. Once you do, you will begin to ask questions about something from your past that has confused you that will then lead to a precious discovery.

If I can't change the past, then is there any point looking backward?

It's true you can't change the past. However, you can draw a valuable lesson from it, and that's what you're encouraged to do now.

But aren't circumstances in the past considerably different to what I'm dealing with now?

They're bound to be. But that doesn't mean important similarities don't exist.

Will I find some answers uncomfortable?

Possibly, but many you receive or the insights you gain will make any brief discomfort worth it.

Tuesday 12th October


Stick with the plan

Transiting Mercury Retrograde Squares your natal Neptune from 12th to 16th October 2021. Exact 14th October , REPEATED when direct from 19th to 23rd October 2021. Exact 22nd October

Something in your world doesn't need 'fixing' in the way you're led to believe. Neither does it need the level of complication that will undoubtedly arise by believing what you're told now. Focus on what you know works, makes you happy, and is safe. Don't deviate from a plan just because a seemingly more attractive option makes itself available.

Does this mean others are trying to deceive me?

Not necessarily. They may have a slightly skewed or inaccurate view of a situation but still believe firmly in it.

But is it possible that what I focus on and believe to be reliable or real isn't accurate?

That's possible. Do remember that all that glitters isn't golden.

Do I need to push aside or ignore much of the information coming my way?

Not necessarily, but take much of it with a proverbial pinch of salt.

Forecast for November 2021

Friday 5th November

Life and money

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Venus from 5th to 7th November 2021. Exact 6th November

A relationship needs to be redefined, but it is your relationship with life that needs to be assessed.
It is also your relationship with money that needs a new perspective. All you need to do where life and money are concerned is not take either so seriously. You're encouraged to address what cannot be ignored – but you're also encouraged to accept that one action has been taken, worrying is an exercise in futility.

How do I reassess my' relationship with life'?

This involves assessing or questioning, layer upon layer, certain beliefs, and attitudes. You'll identify these when they arrive.

Is it not sensible to ignore the seriousness of some money issues?

Address what cannot be ignored - but accept as well that you may be worrying unnecessarily.

Isn't worrying healthy sometimes?

Worry about something long enough to do something about it - and no more.

Also on Friday

No need for trumpets

Transiting Mercury Conjuncts your natal MidHeaven from 5th to 7th November 2021. Exact 7th November

Many eyes could be upon you in some way now. Others could be keen to hear what you have to say - or announce. Trust that you don't need to make a grand entrance or gesture to gain attention. Say what you need to say in the knowledge that your audience is a very receptive one.

What if I don't feel the time is right to say or announce something?

The pressure to do so could intensify. But your instincts will probably reveal the time to do so is perfect.

Is it likely that others will already be 'in tune' with what I intend to say or reveal?

It's very likely! You could also tell them exactly what they want to hear or have been anticipating.

Is it necessary for me to only say this verbally?

No. It's more important that you do communicate in whatever way you feel most comfortable with.

Saturday 6th November

Communication is key

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Moon from 6th to 8th November 2021. Exact 7th November

You're not deceiving yourself, and your assessment of a situation and someone's involvement with it (or their motivation) is likely to be accurate. But even if verbal dialogue isn't forthcoming, there is much you're able to learn now through subtle signs and signals. Provided you're willing to be open and share tactfully and sensitively what you can share, then someone is likely to do the same.

Rather than look for subtle signs and signals, shouldn't I push for a matter to be discussed?

That option could take a particular conversation around in circles. You can look beyond the obvious in a certain situation and get someone on your side.

What if someone doesn't connect with whatever I share?

They may not make an instant intellectual connection but are likely to make a strong emotional connection with it. That's how you'll succeed.

What if I find myself sharing more than this other person shares with me?

This isn't a competition. There may even be some imbalance regarding sharing between you. What matters is you encourage it.

Sunday 7th November

It's 'here and now' that matters

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Uranus from 7th to 9th November 2021. Exact 8th November

It is what's happening here and now that needs your attention and deserves to be enjoyed and celebrated, despite how a situation may appear. You're on the brink of a valuable and helpful discovery. Let what's unfolding continue to do so in the knowledge that you will soon have something to be glad of.

If I leave a process to unfold on its own then won't that delay a result?

The process won't be rushed. Something this special is worth waiting for.

Will my reason to be glad be obvious?

You're unlikely to fail to see the way a situation or set of circumstances have improved significantly. That is bound to please you.

Will I be able to see how valuable this discovery is, or will it take time for that to become clear?

The enlightenment or revelation coming your way will be profound enough for you to see how valuable it is.

Tuesday 9th November

Speak up confidently

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Ascendant from 9th to 11th November 2021. Exact 10th November

You can make progress by conveying to more than one person something you feel is important and needs to be said. If you've had reservations about speaking up previously for any reason, then abandon them now. You have a point to make, so make it confidently.

What if I feel confident before I speak up and then discover I don't have the courage to do so?

Don't lose sight of the important issue you're keen to draw attention to. Remind yourself of how you've suppressed it for long enough.

Speaking my mind is one thing, but what are the chances of someone or others agreeing with me?

The seriousness that underpins your words and the authentic way you express yourself will do much to help others to agree with you.

Is there a risk that I could come across as sounding bossy?

The strength of your message has more to do with your belief in what you say. You need not worry about coming across as forceful.

Also on Tuesday

The truth needs respect

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Mercury from 9th to 11th November 2021. Exact 11th November

You have an excellent reason to believe you know the truth about something someone thinks you've grasped the wrong end of the proverbial stick about. Stick with what you know to be right and real. The truth deserves respect now. You're in a perfect position to support it, based on what your intuition tells you.

Should I believe my intuition tells me?

Your intuition will only tell you the truth at all times.

Will I be able to convince this other person that they're wrong?

When the truth is revealed, you won't struggle to do so.

Is it possible that revealing a particular truth will help to reveal others?

It's possible. As more information comes to light, more truth will likely accompany it.

Also on Tuesday

Happily ever after

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Jupiter from 9th to 11th November 2021. Exact 10th November

If you're not already seeing evidence that life is becoming sweeter, noticeably more sensible and logical, then you will soon. Positive and encouraging news is on its way. This should help you to strike a deal or implement an arrangement or agreement that has needed discussion for some time.

What if I feel a conversation has gone around in circles and is likely to do so again?

A strong sense of optimism is likely to ensure that it doesn't happen. It's justified.

Will I see the arrival of this news as instantly positive?

Chances are, you will.

Will the deal or arrangement I reach with someone be as relevant now as it would have been in the past?

It may have altered slightly, but you'll be pleased with the outcome.

Thursday 11th November

Reviving a dream

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Neptune from 11th to 13th November 2021. Exact 12th November

Something that once mattered greatly to you is becoming a priority. An opportunity to focus once again on what never left the realms of your mind and heart is about to present itself.

What if I felt I had a good reason for abandoning this dream previously?

Chances are, it wasn't abandoned. It was delayed or sidelined. You have an opportunity to inject life back into it.

What if I discover that it isn't as inspiring as it was previously?

Allow your dream or vision to come back to life and see how you feel!

Why is this becoming a priority now rather than in the past?

You're supported to apply new levels of imagination to turn it from a vision into something real.

Friday 12th November

Let your inner voice enthuse you

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Saturn from 12th to 14th November 2021. Exact 14th November

Before you allow yourself to be influenced by someone's enthusiasm for a plan or arrangement, consider what your inner voice tells you. You don't need to follow in ways you believe you must. You can take the lead and are right to trust your assessment of something. Make a decision on your own without pressure coming from anyone.

Would it not be helpful to receive some input from somebody regarding the decision I must make?

Involving anybody else with this is likely to create more complications. This is a time to decide what you want and to pursue it your way.

Is it wise to put so much faith in my intuition?

Not only will your intuition tell you the truth, but it will also help you to identify the most logical and practical steps you can take in a particular direction.

Is it possible that somebody's enthusiasm isn't unfounded?

What enthuses them might not be as appropriate for you.

Saturday 13th November

Crystal clarity

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Chiron from 13th to 15th November 2021. Exact 15th November

Your sensitivity could be heightened and integral to encouraging others, or one person, in particular, to speak openly with you. Your listening skills are finely tuned, which could also make you a trusted confidante. You could find the right words flow effortlessly to bring comfort or healing.

To offer advice, will I be speaking intuitively or from experience?

It could be a beneficial combination of both.

Should I make more of an effort to listen or to speak to them?

Finding a perfect balance between both is precisely what they or others need.

Should I feel obliged to encourage them to listen to me similarly?

Not necessarily. But you could learn something from someone else's situation.

Sunday 14th November

A revelation

Transiting Mercury Conjuncts your natal Pluto from 14th to 16th November 2021. Exact 16th November

A moment of clarity is imminent. So too is breath-taking transformation. Look closely at what you're anxious to retain control of. A situation needs reassessing and re-evaluating. This process will, undoubtedly, bring a revelation. A less than desirable situation will appear very different in a positive way once this revelation occurs.

Is it possible I will struggle to release control of this situation?

Once you accept the need to reassess whatever it is, you will probably also accept that a change can only occur if you release control.

Will I feel frustrated at the fact that this revelation hasn't occurred previously?

You will likely be aware of how circumstances are much better than they have been in the past to bring the enlightenment that awaits you.

Will I know what to do with this newfound knowledge when it arrives?

You probably won't struggle to identify how it can be applied to improve a situation you have long wanted to see improved.

Monday 15th November

Open mind

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal North Node from 15th to 17th November 2021. Exact 16th November

Conveying your ideas for the future could be tricky at this time. If your goals are vague, then your efforts could be sporadic and inconsistent. However, this could be due to overthinking them or working so rigidly to a plan that you become confused or agitated when everything doesn't go entirely to plan. Adopt a more open mind to suggestions - and be willing to listen.

If my plan doesn't go to plan, then does that mean I haven't thought it through properly?

Not necessarily. But it may require a bit more realistic tweaking.

If I listen to others, will I feel reassured that they understand what I'm keen to achieve?

Even if they don't fully understand, they could still have helpful or valuable input to offer.

Do my goals need to be crystal clear, or is it not making some effort to push them forward enough to do so?

You can benefit from helping goals to become clearer in your mind. But applying a bit of imagination to these could also prove helpful.

Also on Monday

Speaking authentically

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal South Node from 15th to 17th November 2021. Exact 16th November

Expressing thoughts or feelings could be particularly difficult at this time. It's also possible your attitude toward communicating stems from issues your parents experienced similarly. You're encouraged to accept the need to communicate or open up with someone who won't stifle your personality and wants you to be yourself.

How might any issues my parents experienced affect the way I communicate?

It could be complicated, but you may have observed communicative obstacles they encountered and absorbed these or believed them to be normal.

Instead of finding someone who encourages me to be myself when communicating, shouldn't I do so with everyone?

That would be helpful initially, especially if it does help you to find people who can be 'sounding boards' for you.

Is it a case of the more I express myself authentically, the more communicative barriers will disappear?

That is correct.

Sunday 21st November

Say it as you see it

Transiting Mercury Conjuncts your natal Mars from 21st to 23rd November 2021. Exact 22nd November

Someone's words could be difficult to decipher. They are either noticeably sweeter or contain an unmistakable hint of aggression. Summon the courage to ask someone to make clearer what they're saying, and you will remove the mystery with less effort than you thought would be required.

Does someone have a deceptive agenda regarding what they're saying?

Not necessarily. But with the right levels of patience and sensitivity, you can get to the bottom of why they convey themselves the way they do.

Is it necessary for me to make such an effort? Why can't they be honest with me?

Someone's inability to communicate in the way you wish they would might conceal a more deep-rooted issue. That's something you can help to address and resolve.

Is it fair to say they'll be more straightforward with me in the future?

The more effort you make to gain their trust and be supportive, the more likely it is you won't repeat this episode.

Wednesday 24th November

Love makes the world go around

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Venus from 24th to 26th November 2021. Exact 25th November

Money, they say, makes the world go around, and there's enough money in the world for anyone who wants some or more of it. But is there a finite amount of love available to us during our lifetimes? Prepare to discover how no such limit exists by being very aware of how loved you are!

Will I need to make an effort to find this, or will it come my way?

You could find conversations make clear how admired, respected, and loved you are. But this message could arrive in other communicative forms, too.

Are these conversations ones I should instigate?

Not necessarily. If you ask direct questions, then you could receive direct, heartwarming responses. But you needn't probe for information or confirmation.

Will the message arrive in the form of words rather than gestures?

It probably will be more in the form of words, but don't rule out gestures either!

Forecast for December 2021

Saturday 4th December

Teamwork makes a dream work

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal North Node from 4th to 6th December 2021. Exact 5th December

Enough mental preparation has probably been made to take confident steps toward a future that inspires you. Embracing the spirit of teamwork not only helps you take strides to achieve cherished goals but also creates a shared buzz that comes from seeing what two great minds achieve together.

Won't collaborating with someone mean that I must share the success?

Yes, but try to see it as doubling the chances of achieving it!

Will I need to be extremely selective about the person I collaborate with?

Trust your instincts regarding that. You're unlikely to embark upon a partnership with someone unsuitable.

If I and somebody achieve something together on this occasion, will we do so again in the future?

That's a decision the two of you will need to make. But don't let this superb meeting of minds go to waste!

Also on Saturday

Two forward-thinkers

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal South Node from 4th to 6th December 2021. Exact 5th December

You could be on a mission to ensure complacency doesn't stand a chance of setting in where certain aspirations are concerned. This is a time when you put great emphasis on becoming clearer about what you want to accomplish during your lifetime. if you struggle to come up with inspiring ideas on your own, then bouncing one or two off of someone else could prove revealing.

How will I feel confident about what I want to achieve?

Confidence could arrive by separating what you know you don't want from what you want.

What if someone I share my ideas with tells me they're unachievable?

That's their opinion. Your heart could have a very different answer.

Is it possible that sharing my ideas could make my plan to achieve them appear more complicated?

You stand to gain valuable insights by involving someone with what's close to your heart. Don't rule out the possibility of fate involving this person, either.

Monday 6th December

Essential clarity

Transiting Mercury Conjuncts your natal Sun from 6th to 8th December 2021. Exact 8th December

Something has become complicated. It has probably been complex for some time, but what you're about to discover is how uncomplicated it really is. You're about to apply imagination and determination to get to the bottom of whatever-it-is. The boost to your confidence that comes, as a result, will bring essential clarity.

Will I know how to apply this newfound clarity when it arrives?

It's very likely you won't struggle to do so.

By seeing how uncomplicated this situation is, might I be able to see another situation in a more straightforward way?

If you're able to apply similar levels of imagination and determination, then there's no reason why you can't.

How will I know if I've got the balance of imagination and determination right?

The Eureka Moment you're likely to experience will ensure that doesn't pose a problem!

Monday 13th December

Ensure you're understood

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal MidHeaven from 13th to 15th December 2021. Exact 15th December

You mustn't assume someone understands a point you're trying to convey. Don't take the fact that they nod as acceptance or understanding. Take time to ensure you're not misunderstood.

Is it possible they do understand me, and I'm the one misinterpreting this?

Leave no verbal stone unturned when it comes to making your point. You might need to encourage someone to listen a bit more intently than they are.

Am I not at risk of making my point too forcefully?

Your instincts are your best guide to determining when you said enough. But investing a bit more time now to make your point could save problems from arising later.

Is whatever I believed to be so important likely to be as important to someone else?

Perhaps not initially. But when someone understands why you take an issue seriously, then they'll make more of an effort to understand it.

Tuesday 14th December

Wise to say nothing

Transiting Mercury Opposes your natal Moon from 14th to 16th December 2021. Exact 15th December

By saying more than you ought to, you could put yourself in a situation that leaves you red-faced or with a face covered with proverbial egg. Confusion reigns supreme now. While you have a valid point to make, there are times when we must speak up and times when it is wise to say nothing. Now is such a time to say nothing – for now.

If a point genuinely needs to be made, then shouldn't I make it regardless of how it makes me appear?

Don't put yourself in a position where you'll wish you'd said nothing. Applying a brief bit of restraint is all that's needed.

If by saying nothing, am I not prolonging a discussion that I and someone will wish we'd had sooner?

It would be wise to allow current circumstances to shift slightly before instigating this conversation or discussion. There's too much scope for misinterpretation at this time.

Is it possible someone might be more understanding of what I say or convey, even if it does make me look a bit daft?

Instigating this discussion or exchange could result in creating complications that will take considerable time to address and put right. Allowing a bit more time to pass will create circumstances that reduce the likelihood of complications.

Wednesday 15th December

Answer from the heart

Transiting Mercury Conjuncts your natal Uranus from 15th to 17th December 2021. Exact 16th December

Consider certain conclusions you're reaching now. Are they made in a cold and calculated way? There's nothing wrong will applying logic to what needs addressing. But your heart needs to play a bigger part in a decision you're making.

Won't logic help me to make the most sensible or practical decision?

It will play a part in you doing so. But it's equally important to trust what you feel.

Isn't the message that comes from our hearts often too vague to decipher?

Your heart will only tell you the truth. You might need to make a concerted effort to hear its message, but you can be certain it's there.

What if I misinterpret its message and make a wrong decision?

You're unlikely to make a wrong decision as long as you trust what you feel about a particular matter. But even if you do believe you've made a wrong decision, then start over again by trusting what you feel!

Friday 17th December

Let your words and ideas flow

Transiting Mercury Conjuncts your natal Ascendant from 17th to 19th December 2021. Exact 18th December

You're encouraged to put forth a suggestion, proposal, or convey your thoughts or ideas to a certain person where conditions previously may have made doing so difficult. Say what you need to say. You'll likely find your words not only flow but are received in a much more positive way than you expected.

How will I know when I've said enough?

Your instincts probably won't fail you in that respect, but allowing pauses to listen will do much to help you gauge how well someone understands you.

Does this mean that I and someone will reach an agreement?

Possibly, but even if you don't, you've laid the groundwork for further discussion that could bring an agreement.

If conditions were difficult previously, then how are they better now?

Your words are underpinned with a new level of confidence now. That will help them to flow more easily and enhance the likelihood of you being understood.

Also on Friday

List of questions

Transiting Mercury Conjuncts your natal Mercury from 17th to 19th December 2021. Exact 19th December

You're helped to see a way forward with a particular situation. But the more insight and understanding you gain, the more questions you may feel inclined to ask. Try to keep these at bay, at least for the time being. Much will become clearer shortly.

If I must wait for answers to arrive, then doesn't that delay progress I'm keen to make?

It might do so briefly. But the insights you gain will make the wait worth it.

If I can see a way forward with the situation, then why do I need to wait for more information to arrive?

What you're likely to receive is a glimpse into how you can proceed with something. The arrival of further information will make clear what your next move must be.

Does the fact that many questions exist mean that I'm dealing with something complicated?

It's not necessarily complicated, but you are dealing with circumstances that are changing. This is inevitable with the arrival of fresh information. But the more patient you are, the more clarity you will benefit from.

Also on Friday

Expect the best

Transiting Mercury Opposes your natal Jupiter from 17th to 19th December 2021. Exact 18th December

We're sometimes told to be 'careful what we wish for.' Rarely do any of us make wishes without some level of consideration. Something you expect to happen is likely to happen – so expect the best! Don't allow yourself to be influenced negatively.

What if I pin my hopes on a development that doesn't happen?

Should that be the case, then that's probably an indication that you set unrealistic expectations. Be optimistic, but also be realistic.

Is it not wise to consider a negative outcome or result?

Don't underestimate the power of adopting a positive mindset. As soon as you allow doubts to permeate your mind, they can get a firm foothold.

What if I believe I'm realistic regarding the outcome I want to achieve but discover that I've been unrealistic?

Your intuition is your best guide to determining what's attainable from what should remain in the realms of fantasy.

Sunday 19th December

Reviewing the situation

Transiting Mercury Conjuncts your natal Neptune from 19th to 21st December 2021. Exact 20th December

It's time to consider how or why a dream or fantasy close to your heart doesn't seem any closer to manifesting despite your efforts. It's also time to consider if what you're pursuing is done more out of habit than a real, burning desire to achieve or attain it.

Does this mean I may have been kidding myself regarding something I believed to be important to me?

Not necessarily. But the enlightenment coming your way could reveal a more effective way to pursue it.

Is it possible that a dream or fantasy could be replaced with something more realistically achievable?

That's an essential part of what this reflective process is all about.

Just because I do not see the results I want to see, does that mean I should allow more time for this to happen?

That could be the conclusion you arrive at. You're not obliged to abandon a plan or shift your focus to another unless you feel it's necessary.

Monday 20th December

Invaluable discovery

Transiting Mercury Conjuncts your natal Saturn from 20th to 22nd December 2021. Exact 22nd December

There is something you must learn through revisiting something from your past. See this as an essential step forward toward a more inspiring future, not a backward step. What you discover now from whatever happened previously will prove invaluable from this point onward.

Why might I not have made this valuable discovery previously?

You have the benefit of hindsight working to your advantage now. You're able to look at a past event more objectively than you have been able to previously.

Shouldn't I be looking forward to the future rather than spending time looking backward?

You must connect with a lesson learned in the past that can be applied in the present - and the future.

Will this lesson be relevant due to the change of circumstances I'm dealing with now?

If you make the right level of effort to discover and connect with it, then you will see how relevant it is.

Tuesday 21st December

Don't take it personally

Transiting Mercury Opposes your natal Chiron from 21st to 23rd December 2021. Exact 23rd December

We all know someone prone to often taking what's said to them too personally. Whether a comment is made in jest or an innocuous observation, we can sometimes manage to read more into what's said than is necessary. It's possible you could be such a person now.

Does this mean I'm likely to be hurt by something said to me?

Only if you choose to take it personally. Try to let it bounce off you.

Could it work the other way around? Could it be me who says something hurtful to someone else?

Possibly, but even if that is the case, you will likely learn a profound lesson about how to avoid experiencing similar pain in the future.

What if I'm not misinterpreting what is said to me? What if somebody's words are deliberately hurtful?

You could be prone to being a bit extra sensitive to what's said to you now. Try to see how somebody's words are unlikely to be as barbed as you believe them to be.

Wednesday 22nd December

Right here, right now

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Pluto from 22nd to 24th December 2021. Exact 24th December

As keen as you might be to ensure something is put in place now that will facilitate a happier and brighter tomorrow, it is what's happening here, and now, that needs the most attention. But don't try to hasten a process that is unfolding in its own way and time.

Should I be applying focus on the future at the same time?

Don't take your eye off the future. But try to accept that what's occurring now provides essential stepping stones to arrive there.

What if I'm more inspired by the future than what I see in the present?

You're in the throes of a process that requires you to create solid foundations for a future aspiration or goal.

How will I know what steps to take in the present?

As long as you keep your focus on the desired result, you will receive the support you need to get a process underway properly.

Wednesday 29th December

Don't fear the worst

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Mars from 29th to 31st December 2021. Exact 30th December

You have taken action in some way but could feel a mistake has been made. It's time to summon self-discipline, discrimination, and determination - combined with a healthy dose of faith in the fact that what you have instigated can only be beneficial.

If I believe I've made a mistake, then presumably, that's because a warning sign exists?

You could misinterpret a small surmountable obstacle as a sign that you have made an error.

How long will it take before I see signs that what I have instigated is beneficial?

You'll need to summon patience, but reassuring signs will appear before long.

Will there be some adjusting required on my part?

Possibly, but the more patience you're able to summon, the easier this will be.

Forecast for January 2022

Sunday 2nd January

Repetition is not necessary

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal MidHeaven from 2nd to 4th January 2022. Exact 3rd January , REPEATED when retrograde from 22nd to 24th January 2022. Exact 24th January

You might believe making a point repeatedly will result in the person or people you wish to influence succumbing or agreeing with you. But this plan can backfire if you're not careful. You'll gain more support if you make your point sensibly, succinctly, and sensitively.

If I feel I must reiterate my point, then does that mean I sense others aren't listening?

You might sense that's the case, but that might not necessarily be true.

Does my desire to reiterate my point stem from believing others don't understand it?

It's possible, but that might not necessarily be true either.

Does repeating my point not reinforce how passionately I feel about it?

It could reinforce your passion, but cause others to see you as unnecessarily forceful.

Also on Sunday

A fair deal

Transiting Mercury Conjuncts your natal Venus from 2nd to 4th January 2022. Exact 3rd January , REPEATED when retrograde from 22nd to 25th January 2022. Exact 24th January

Some people believe that negotiation must involve one side 'getting one over' the other in some way. There is something to be negotiated in your world now, and an agreement needs to be reached. If what is discussed is discussed fairly, then you and someone could benefit – or profit – enormously from the process.

What if I don't feel confident enough to negotiate in such a way?

Don't underestimate your 'bargaining power.' You know what you want from an arrangement. That takes you halfway to achieving it.

Is it possible that this matter was discussed previously, but no agreement was reached?

It's possible. But don't refer to the past for precedents. A new line of discussion is needed - and on offer.

Could this discussion and what is agreed set a precedent between this person and me in the future?

Absolutely! With a new level of trust between you, there's no reason why other beneficial arrangements can't be put in place.

Thursday 27th January


Don't fear the worst

Transiting Mercury Retrograde Sextiles your natal Mars from 27th to 30th January 2022. Exact 29th January

You have taken action in some way but could feel a mistake has been made. It's time to summon self-discipline, discrimination, and determination - combined with a healthy dose of faith in the fact that what you have instigated can only be beneficial.

If I believe I've made a mistake, then presumably, that's because a warning sign exists?

You could misinterpret a small surmountable obstacle as a sign that you have made an error.

How long will it take before I see signs that what I have instigated is beneficial?

You'll need to summon patience, but reassuring signs will appear before long.

Will there be some adjusting required on my part?

Possibly, but the more patience you're able to summon, the easier this will be.

Forecast for February 2022

Tuesday 8th February

Don't fear the worst

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Mars from 8th to 12th February 2022. Exact 10th February

You have taken action in some way but could feel a mistake has been made. It's time to summon self-discipline, discrimination, and determination - combined with a healthy dose of faith in the fact that what you have instigated can only be beneficial.

If I believe I've made a mistake, then presumably, that's because a warning sign exists?

You could misinterpret a small surmountable obstacle as a sign that you have made an error.

How long will it take before I see signs that what I have instigated is beneficial?

You'll need to summon patience, but reassuring signs will appear before long.

Will there be some adjusting required on my part?

Possibly, but the more patience you're able to summon, the easier this will be.

Monday 14th February

A fair deal

Transiting Mercury Conjuncts your natal Venus from 14th to 17th February 2022. Exact 16th February

Some people believe that negotiation must involve one side 'getting one over' the other in some way. There is something to be negotiated in your world now, and an agreement needs to be reached. If what is discussed is discussed fairly, then you and someone could benefit – or profit – enormously from the process.

What if I don't feel confident enough to negotiate in such a way?

Don't underestimate your 'bargaining power.' You know what you want from an arrangement. That takes you halfway to achieving it.

Is it possible that this matter was discussed previously, but no agreement was reached?

It's possible. But don't refer to the past for precedents. A new line of discussion is needed - and on offer.

Could this discussion and what is agreed set a precedent between this person and me in the future?

Absolutely! With a new level of trust between you, there's no reason why other beneficial arrangements can't be put in place.

Tuesday 15th February

Repetition is not necessary

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal MidHeaven from 15th to 18th February 2022. Exact 17th February

You might believe making a point repeatedly will result in the person or people you wish to influence succumbing or agreeing with you. But this plan can backfire if you're not careful. You'll gain more support if you make your point sensibly, succinctly, and sensitively.

If I feel I must reiterate my point, then does that mean I sense others aren't listening?

You might sense that's the case, but that might not necessarily be true.

Does my desire to reiterate my point stem from believing others don't understand it?

It's possible, but that might not necessarily be true either.

Does repeating my point not reinforce how passionately I feel about it?

It could reinforce your passion, but cause others to see you as unnecessarily forceful.

Sunday 27th February

Removing window dressing

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Pluto from 27th February 2022 to 1st March 2022. Exact 28th February

To bring a much-needed change, a tense or potentially difficult conversation needs to be had. You might even discover you possess the courage to say a few things you've been afraid to say or chose, for reasons known best to yourself, to keep hidden. Say what you know needs to be said from the depths of your heart. You will have nothing to be apologetic for or regretful about.

If I have refrained from saying anything, then is it not true there could be a good reason for this?

Your reason or reasons for keeping something to yourself could stem more from fear than having a helpful reason to suppress anything.

Will making myself vulnerable to speak from my heart be uncomfortable?

It may feel uncomfortable initially, but the reward for doing so will outweigh any discomfort.

Even if I speak the truth, will somebody find it uncomfortable or painful?

It's possible. The truth is known to hurt sometimes. But it's always better out than in.

Monday 28th February

Mental connecting

Transiting Mercury Conjuncts your natal North Node from 28th February 2022 to 2nd March 2022. Exact 1st March

You could feel it's necessary to connect with others or with someone in particular who offers new and mind-stimulating experiences. Forming stronger mental connections could be more important now. You could be extra keen to learn, possibly from somebody older than you, and might not have to look very hard to find such an individual.

Is someone likely to learn as much from me?

It's possible. But you could form a connection with somebody you may see as a mentor in the first instance.

What kind of learning curve will this person encourage me to pursue?

Much depends on how you connect with their life experience. Studying and travel are distinct possibilities.

Will I learn only what they want me to learn?

Chances are, you'll be the one going to them. You'll connect with the wisdom they possess on some level. Be assured it will inspire you.

Also on Monday

A new destination

Transiting Mercury Opposes your natal South Node from 28th February 2022 to 2nd March 2022. Exact 1st March

Even if you've experienced issues in the past surrounding being afraid to express yourself, then you're about to apply lessons learned previously to the present. This could involve being unafraid to communicate or express what's on your mind. You're about to embark upon a self-led journey of learning and personal growth. Your new destination will offer many exciting, intriguing mentally-stimulating possibilities.

Will I be selective about who I choose to communicate so openly with?

That will be for you to decide. But if you sense trust exists between you and a particular person or others, then you could find that your connection with them becomes deeper intellectually.

Will the journey of learning and personal growth be one I must embark upon alone, or could somebody accompany me?

The personal discoveries you make will be more profound if you embark upon this journey alone. But that doesn't stop you from applying what you learn to form deeper intellectual connections.

Does this journey have a final destination, or will it be ongoing?

Believe it will be ongoing, but it will progress at a pace that suits you.

Forecast for March 2022

Wednesday 2nd March

Exploring your options

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Sun from 2nd to 4th March 2022. Exact 4th March

You are presented with an opportunity to instigate a change that will get you out of a rut that you may feel you're stuck in. It's possible you can remove yourself from a tedious drama and, where your relationship with someone is concerned, introduce life where tedium is all too present. You have more choices than you thought you did, and that's what needs to be understood now.

Will I invite a wave of upheaval by instigating this change?

Upheaval always accompanies change in some way. But it will be brief, and the improvement will be worth it.

Is it not possible that this tedious situation would improve itself on its own?

Your comfort zone has developed a comfort zone of its own. There's no telling when it would have improved itself.

Is it important to introduce this change gradually?

All positive change is gradual. But you can introduce it at a pace that suits you.

Sunday 6th March

Is a plan worthy of your efforts?

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Mars from 6th to 8th March 2022. Exact 7th March

Ideas, suggestions, and situations could be coming thick and fast. But you're likely to need to show restraint to avoid a confrontation or making an ill-thought-through proposal or suggestion. Slow down and assess if what you're planning is deserving of energy you're inclined to give it. If it is, then 'give it your all' and don't look back. If you have reservations, then trust they exist for a good reason.

Is it possible I will feel frustrated at the situation that exists between this person and me?

It's possible. But frustration may exist mainly due to you having numerous ideas regarding how to improve it but feeling unsure about how to apply them.

Am I at risk of being forceful regarding the ideas I'm keen to suggest or implement?

That is likely the case, so be careful.

If I feel doubtful that I shouldn't proceed with a plan, then is it right to abandon it?

Not necessarily. But a serious review of where it goes from here could be needed.

Thursday 10th March

Communication is key

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Moon from 10th to 12th March 2022. Exact 12th March

You're not deceiving yourself, and your assessment of a situation and someone's involvement with it (or their motivation) is likely to be accurate. But even if verbal dialogue isn't forthcoming, there is much you're able to learn now through subtle signs and signals. Provided you're willing to be open and share tactfully and sensitively what you can share, then someone is likely to do the same.

Rather than look for subtle signs and signals, shouldn't I push for a matter to be discussed?

That option could take a particular conversation around in circles. You can look beyond the obvious in a certain situation and get someone on your side.

What if someone doesn't connect with whatever I share?

They may not make an instant intellectual connection but are likely to make a strong emotional connection with it. That's how you'll succeed.

What if I find myself sharing more than this other person shares with me?

This isn't a competition. There may even be some imbalance regarding sharing between you. What matters is you encourage it.

Also on Thursday

Gentle persuasion

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal MidHeaven from 10th to 12th March 2022. Exact 11th March

Where you and a certain person are potentially locking horns, the key to resolving this lies with continued and open communication. You're both closer to reaching a compromise than you believe.
It's acceptable for someone to adopt a contrary position. But success relies on them supporting your ideas or proposals. With gentle persuasion and reiterating benefits to them of what you're proposing, you can achieve it.

What if we believe we've pursued all communication avenues and options?

Then take that as your cue to apply some gentle persuasion.

What if I don't find their contrary position acceptable?

It is the fact that you don't find it acceptable that poses the current problem. They have a right to disagree. Your mission now involves reducing pressure to make your point.

If I've already made clear the benefits to them of agreeing with me, then why do I need to reiterate them?

It's by applying a bit more sensitivity this time that you could succeed in making your point.

Friday 11th March

It's 'here and now' that matters

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Uranus from 11th to 13th March 2022. Exact 12th March

It is what's happening here and now that needs your attention and deserves to be enjoyed and celebrated, despite how a situation may appear. You're on the brink of a valuable and helpful discovery. Let what's unfolding continue to do so in the knowledge that you will soon have something to be glad of.

If I leave a process to unfold on its own then won't that delay a result?

The process won't be rushed. Something this special is worth waiting for.

Will my reason to be glad be obvious?

You're unlikely to fail to see the way a situation or set of circumstances have improved significantly. That is bound to please you.

Will I be able to see how valuable this discovery is, or will it take time for that to become clear?

The enlightenment or revelation coming your way will be profound enough for you to see how valuable it is.

Sunday 13th March

Happily ever after

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Jupiter from 13th to 15th March 2022. Exact 14th March

If you're not already seeing evidence that life is becoming sweeter, noticeably more sensible and logical, then you will soon. Positive and encouraging news is on its way. This should help you to strike a deal or implement an arrangement or agreement that has needed discussion for some time.

What if I feel a conversation has gone around in circles and is likely to do so again?

A strong sense of optimism is likely to ensure that it doesn't happen. It's justified.

Will I see the arrival of this news as instantly positive?

Chances are, you will.

Will the deal or arrangement I reach with someone be as relevant now as it would have been in the past?

It may have altered slightly, but you'll be pleased with the outcome.

Also on Sunday

Speak up confidently

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Ascendant from 13th to 15th March 2022. Exact 14th March

You can make progress by conveying to more than one person something you feel is important and needs to be said. If you've had reservations about speaking up previously for any reason, then abandon them now. You have a point to make, so make it confidently.

What if I feel confident before I speak up and then discover I don't have the courage to do so?

Don't lose sight of the important issue you're keen to draw attention to. Remind yourself of how you've suppressed it for long enough.

Speaking my mind is one thing, but what are the chances of someone or others agreeing with me?

The seriousness that underpins your words and the authentic way you express yourself will do much to help others to agree with you.

Is there a risk that I could come across as sounding bossy?

The strength of your message has more to do with your belief in what you say. You need not worry about coming across as forceful.

Also on Sunday

The truth needs respect

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Mercury from 13th to 15th March 2022. Exact 15th March

You have an excellent reason to believe you know the truth about something someone thinks you've grasped the wrong end of the proverbial stick about. Stick with what you know to be right and real. The truth deserves respect now. You're in a perfect position to support it, based on what your intuition tells you.

Should I believe my intuition tells me?

Your intuition will only tell you the truth at all times.

Will I be able to convince this other person that they're wrong?

When the truth is revealed, you won't struggle to do so.

Is it possible that revealing a particular truth will help to reveal others?

It's possible. As more information comes to light, more truth will likely accompany it.

Tuesday 15th March

Reviving a dream

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Neptune from 15th to 17th March 2022. Exact 16th March

Something that once mattered greatly to you is becoming a priority. An opportunity to focus once again on what never left the realms of your mind and heart is about to present itself.

What if I felt I had a good reason for abandoning this dream previously?

Chances are, it wasn't abandoned. It was delayed or sidelined. You have an opportunity to inject life back into it.

What if I discover that it isn't as inspiring as it was previously?

Allow your dream or vision to come back to life and see how you feel!

Why is this becoming a priority now rather than in the past?

You're supported to apply new levels of imagination to turn it from a vision into something real.

Wednesday 16th March

Let your inner voice enthuse you

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Saturn from 16th to 18th March 2022. Exact 18th March

Before you allow yourself to be influenced by someone's enthusiasm for a plan or arrangement, consider what your inner voice tells you. You don't need to follow in ways you believe you must. You can take the lead and are right to trust your assessment of something. Make a decision on your own without pressure coming from anyone.

Would it not be helpful to receive some input from somebody regarding the decision I must make?

Involving anybody else with this is likely to create more complications. This is a time to decide what you want and to pursue it your way.

Is it wise to put so much faith in my intuition?

Not only will your intuition tell you the truth, but it will also help you to identify the most logical and practical steps you can take in a particular direction.

Is it possible that somebody's enthusiasm isn't unfounded?

What enthuses them might not be as appropriate for you.

Thursday 17th March

Crystal clarity

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Chiron from 17th to 19th March 2022. Exact 18th March

Your sensitivity could be heightened and integral to encouraging others, or one person, in particular, to speak openly with you. Your listening skills are finely tuned, which could also make you a trusted confidante. You could find the right words flow effortlessly to bring comfort or healing.

To offer advice, will I be speaking intuitively or from experience?

It could be a beneficial combination of both.

Should I make more of an effort to listen or to speak to them?

Finding a perfect balance between both is precisely what they or others need.

Should I feel obliged to encourage them to listen to me similarly?

Not necessarily. But you could learn something from someone else's situation.

Friday 18th March

A valuable discovery

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Pluto from 18th to 20th March 2022. Exact 19th March

You are capable of tackling on your own what needs to be tackled. It is the discovery of certain information that will boost your confidence. Once done, you will feel confident to face issues or individuals you've feared facing. You'll be more inclined to bring out into the open what has been conveniently brushed under a proverbial carpet.

Is this likely to take the form of a revelation?

Very much so. You will know how to make full use of it when it arrives.

What if I struggle to summon the confidence or courage to face what or who needs facing?

You're dealing more with a fact than an assumption now. What is revealed will put you in a much stronger position.

Although I might be keen to bring into the open what has been concealed, is it possible someone or others won't be appreciative of this?

If you're presenting them with a fact or the truth, which is likely to be the case, then whether they appreciate it or not shouldn't be your problem. You've done what's necessary.

Monday 21st March

What deserves attention

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Sun from 21st to 23rd March 2022. Exact 22nd March

Do you turn the other cheek? Do you ignore provocation? If you want to involve yourself in a pointless debate now, then you can. However, where tension exists between you and a certain person, avoid a drama that is better left alone. Something more constructive needs your time and attention.

Is it possible this debate could clear the air in some way?

You're more likely to find it goes around in circles than brings any closure.

What if I detect a matter shouldn't be left alone and needs to be aired or discussed?

If you believe that to be the case, then you could see the matter exaggeratedly.

How will I connect with what needs my time and attention?

Allow something inspiring to grow and intensify. You won't be able to ignore it.

Thursday 24th March

Leave aggression on the doorstep

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Mars from 24th to 25th March 2022. Exact 25th March

Your impatience to make a certain point might be underpinned with more aggression than you intend. Be diplomatic and ensure sensitivity plays a big part in whatever it is you feel the need to say to a certain person now.

What if I can't help but feel angry toward whatever I'm dealing with?

Anger could be a natural reaction. But it doesn't need to manifest in the ways you might feel it should.

But if I have a point that needs to be made, then shouldn't I make it passionately?

Making your point passionately is fine. But an issue exists regarding the way you could make it aggressively or confrontationally. That's what needs attention now.

Will bringing an improvement require as much effort as I can give toward doing so?

You're at risk of going over the top in some way. You have an abundance of passionate energy demanding to be applied. Focus on ways this can be done constructively - or pleasurably.

Saturday 26th March

Love makes the world go around

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Venus from 26th to 28th March 2022. Exact 28th March

Money, they say, makes the world go around, and there's enough money in the world for anyone who wants some or more of it. But is there a finite amount of love available to us during our lifetimes? Prepare to discover how no such limit exists by being very aware of how loved you are!

Will I need to make an effort to find this, or will it come my way?

You could find conversations make clear how admired, respected, and loved you are. But this message could arrive in other communicative forms, too.

Are these conversations ones I should instigate?

Not necessarily. If you ask direct questions, then you could receive direct, heartwarming responses. But you needn't probe for information or confirmation.

Will the message arrive in the form of words rather than gestures?

It probably will be more in the form of words, but don't rule out gestures either!

Sunday 27th March

Questions in measured doses

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Moon from 27th to 29th March 2022. Exact 28th March

If you're aware of a distinct feeling of confusion, then welcome it. It is uncertainty that is likely to encourage you to question one or two areas of your world that could do with being questioned. But you could be at risk of making a bigger issue out of something than is justified.

If I feel the need to ask numerous questions, then is that not due to me believing I'm missing essential information?

You have a right to ask questions, but asking too many could make clear how you see something exaggeratedly or too sensitively.

Will asking questions result in a change occurring that I'd prefer didn't happen?

They could bring change, but in ways you know, in your heart, you need it.

Will uncertainty cause me to ask questions I may regret asking?

That's unlikely. You know how and where you need enlightenment, and asking questions is the only way to receive it.

Monday 28th March

Fix what needs fixing

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Uranus from 28th to 30th March 2022. Exact 29th March

A drama is unfolding. It is by knowing how a certain situation can be adjusted or rearranged that offers the most effective way to improve it. Ignore the desire to be somewhere else. Removing yourself is not an option or a solution. The solution surrounds more meaning or depth given to a tired situation, and that's precisely what you can bring.

Is it possible that by distancing or detaching myself, I could gain a clearer idea of how to improve it?

There's no need to do so. Any desire to separate yourself from what needs addressing probably stems from a fear of facing it.

How has the situation been allowed to become tired or tiring?

Complacency may have set in. Or you may have struggled to summon the energy to address it.

Will the solution I offer be temporary or permanent?

It may not be permanent, but it will be far-reaching.

Tuesday 29th March

Seeing a situation as it is

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Jupiter from 29th to 31st March 2022. Exact 31st March

There appears to be uncertainty between you and someone about an arrangement and where this goes from here. You are not as trapped as you might believe you are, though. If you're willing to make progress and improve an arrangement that may no longer be valid or in need of updating, then a superb opportunity exists to do so. The key to achieving this lies with you not seeing an issue as bigger or more daunting than it really is.

If I see this situation as significant, then does that not reflect how important it is to me?

Nobody is disputing the importance. But you could read more into it than is necessary.

Is it possible somebody doesn't see the issue with the same level of importance I do?

This person probably accepts that the situation or arrangement requires a rethink. But they probably don't see the need to introduce drastic changes as you do.

Why might this situation or arrangement not be valid anymore?

Something has evolved between you and a particular individual. That's something to acknowledge positively.

Wednesday 30th March

Time to be selective

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Mercury from 30th March 2022 to 1st April 2022. Exact 31st March

Avoid giving time and attention to whatever or whoever isn't as worthy of it. With little effort, you can identify what or who is worthy of both. From there, you can make a decision that ensures you apply focus and effort where both are most sensible.

Is it fair to say I am removing something or someone from my world?

That's likely to be the case. But only because what you give and receive have become imbalanced.

Is this situation or a need to make a decision likely to feel frustrating?

It's possible. But any frustration can be harnessed positively to take the step that needs taking now.

Will I have to defend or justify my actions or decision?

Possibly, especially if you apply or make either or both quickly or hastily.

Also on Wednesday

Keep it simple

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Ascendant from 30th to 31st March 2022. Exact 31st March

If what you're trying to convey to a certain person – or group of people – appears to be hard work, then rethink how you convey it. Remove all assumptions from the equation. Start again if you feel you must. You can save considerable hassle and frustration by doing both.

Is it possible I'm dealing with individuals who aren't making an effort to listen?

You could be overstating your message. It needs simplifying.

If I start again, then am I at risk of repeating myself?

Starting again and adopting a calmer approach will help to reiterate your message.

Is it possible I'm seen by others to be difficult to communicate with?

That could be the case if others wish you didn't elaborate so intently on the point you're keen to make. Try to balance speaking and listening.

Thursday 31st March

Stick with the plan

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Neptune from 31st March 2022 to 2nd April 2022. Exact 1st April

Something in your world doesn't need 'fixing' in the way you're led to believe. Neither does it need the level of complication that will undoubtedly arise by believing what you're told now. Focus on what you know works, makes you happy, and is safe. Don't deviate from a plan just because a seemingly more attractive option makes itself available.

Does this mean others are trying to deceive me?

Not necessarily. They may have a slightly skewed or inaccurate view of a situation but still believe firmly in it.

But is it possible that what I focus on and believe to be reliable or real isn't accurate?

That's possible. Do remember that all that glitters isn't golden.

Do I need to push aside or ignore much of the information coming my way?

Not necessarily, but take much of it with a proverbial pinch of salt.

Forecast for April 2022

Friday 1st April

The answer is in the past

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Saturn from 1st to 3rd April 2022. Exact 2nd April

Something from your past needs revisiting and re-examining now. To make a positive change, all you need to do is accept that there is something you don't know or know enough about. Whatever happened previously will help you identify this. Once you do, you will begin to ask questions about something from your past that has confused you that will then lead to a precious discovery.

If I can't change the past, then is there any point looking backward?

It's true you can't change the past. However, you can draw a valuable lesson from it, and that's what you're encouraged to do now.

But aren't circumstances in the past considerably different to what I'm dealing with now?

They're bound to be. But that doesn't mean important similarities don't exist.

Will I find some answers uncomfortable?

Possibly, but many you receive or the insights you gain will make any brief discomfort worth it.

Saturday 2nd April

Making amends

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Chiron from 2nd to 4th April 2022. Exact 3rd April

We know when we've hit the emotional bullseye with our intention to wound someone verbally. But our conscience soon makes clear how wrong we were to inflict pain deliberately. If you know someone deserves an apology for hurtful words you said in the past, then it's not too late to make amends. Consider how you'll feel if you do.

What if I feel I was right to say what was said?

With the benefit of hindsight, you will undoubtedly accept that whatever you said could have been conveyed more sensitively.

Is a lengthy discussion needed to put this right?

Not necessarily. It's more important that you make an effort to repair anything that needs repairing.

Should I expect an apology from someone in return?

You shouldn't expect one, but if one does come your way, then accept it graciously.

Sunday 3rd April

Teamwork makes a dream work

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal North Node from 3rd to 5th April 2022. Exact 5th April

Enough mental preparation has probably been made to take confident steps toward a future that inspires you. Embracing the spirit of teamwork not only helps you take strides to achieve cherished goals but also creates a shared buzz that comes from seeing what two great minds achieve together.

Won't collaborating with someone mean that I must share the success?

Yes, but try to see it as doubling the chances of achieving it!

Will I need to be extremely selective about the person I collaborate with?

Trust your instincts regarding that. You're unlikely to embark upon a partnership with someone unsuitable.

If I and somebody achieve something together on this occasion, will we do so again in the future?

That's a decision the two of you will need to make. But don't let this superb meeting of minds go to waste!

Also on Sunday

Two forward-thinkers

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal South Node from 3rd to 5th April 2022. Exact 5th April

You could be on a mission to ensure complacency doesn't stand a chance of setting in where certain aspirations are concerned. This is a time when you put great emphasis on becoming clearer about what you want to accomplish during your lifetime. if you struggle to come up with inspiring ideas on your own, then bouncing one or two off of someone else could prove revealing.

How will I feel confident about what I want to achieve?

Confidence could arrive by separating what you know you don't want from what you want.

What if someone I share my ideas with tells me they're unachievable?

That's their opinion. Your heart could have a very different answer.

Is it possible that sharing my ideas could make my plan to achieve them appear more complicated?

You stand to gain valuable insights by involving someone with what's close to your heart. Don't rule out the possibility of fate involving this person, either.

Tuesday 5th April

Give it your all

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Sun from 5th to 7th April 2022. Exact 6th April

The progress you yearn to make now is clearly important to you. It deserves respect you're keen to give it and also deserves the success you want to achieve. Whether you achieve either or both depends entirely on how seriously you want either or both. Aim at nothing, and you're guaranteed to hit it. Give what matters most to you the time, attention, and effort it needs, and you stand to be both amazed and delighted by what you achieve.

Isn't that the kind of advice that could apply to achieving any goal?

Absolutely. But don't rule out how exceptionally placed you are now to achieve something spectacular.

Do I need to have a clearly defined plan before making an effort?

The clearer and more vivid your plan is, the more likely it is you'll be successful. But passionate energy is your ticket to achieving something close to your heart now.

How will I know if I should continue to invest time and effort?

Let the results speak for themselves. Once you start to see these, you'll know how, where, and when to continue investing effort.

Sunday 10th April

Life and money

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Venus from 10th to 12th April 2022. Exact 11th April

A relationship needs to be redefined, but it is your relationship with life that needs to be assessed.
It is also your relationship with money that needs a new perspective. All you need to do where life and money are concerned is not take either so seriously. You're encouraged to address what cannot be ignored – but you're also encouraged to accept that one action has been taken, worrying is an exercise in futility.

How do I reassess my' relationship with life'?

This involves assessing or questioning, layer upon layer, certain beliefs, and attitudes. You'll identify these when they arrive.

Is it not sensible to ignore the seriousness of some money issues?

Address what cannot be ignored - but accept as well that you may be worrying unnecessarily.

Isn't worrying healthy sometimes?

Worry about something long enough to do something about it - and no more.

Also on Sunday

Imagination removes an obstacle

Transiting Mercury Opposes your natal MidHeaven from 10th to 12th April 2022. Exact 12th April

To make progress sometimes, imagination is required to get past obstacles. So too, is sensitivity and courtesy. To make a point you wish to make, you're going to have to apply imagination. Someone is likely to be receptive to what you're proposing, but only if you convey yourself in a way you'd want them to convey themselves to you.

What if my idea about how I want them to convey themselves to me differs from theirs?

As long as sensitivity underpins your words, you can't fail to be understood.

Does applying imagination mean that I should be descriptive or pictorial with how I convey myself?

Not necessarily. Being imaginative means putting yourself in someone else's shoes!

If somebody is already receptive to what I'm proposing, do I need to go to such lengths to win them over?

Winning them over relies on conveying yourself in a way they feel comfortable with but also gaining their trust. Applying imagination will ensure you do both.

Monday 11th April

A way with words

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Moon from 11th to 13th April 2022. Exact 12th April

When can you last recall speaking from your heart and revealing effortlessly what you felt? You should find making a point or conveying feelings, at least with words, considerably easier now.

Wouldn't supporting my words with actions be more effective?

Start with words. You can support them with actions later.

Is it possible someone might think I'm telling them what they want to hear?

That depends on how authentically you make your point or express thoughts or feelings.

Is making my point verbally less likely to be misinterpreted?

Yes. And what you say or convey can form the basis of a heartfelt two-way exchange.

Also on Monday

Think it through

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Uranus from 11th to 13th April 2022. Exact 13th April

Be aware of how an action will always cause a reaction. You may need to accept responsibility for a change you instigate now. Be sure you want this change before you take the action you're considering taking. Once you take it, there may be no going back.

Am I risk of doing something hastily or recklessly?

Very much so. But only if you don't stop and think through what you're doing first.

Is it possible I've thought about this change for some time and believe the time is right to bring it?

You may have thought through this change but might not have thought through the benefits of taking spontaneous action to bring it.

Is it possible I'll feel more reassured by doing something rather than nothing?

Apply your effort in measured doses. Take careful steps. Being spontaneous can be exciting at times, but this is a time when you might wish you showed restraint.

Wednesday 13th April

You can't fail to impress

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Jupiter from 13th to 15th April 2022. Exact 14th April

You're about to make a decision that alters an unsatisfactory situation beyond recognition. The process, though, is not as instant as it may appear. You've had to go through an intense trial and error period. But now that you have perfected, in your mind, a way forward, you cannot fail to impress others - including yourself!

How can I be certain that the way forward I identify is the right way?

Your enhanced levels of optimism exist for a good reason and will confirm this.

Am I able to apply lessons learned through this trial and error period?

That's exactly what this process encourages you to do.

Is it necessary for me to try to impress others?

You deserve the levels of respect and admiration coming your way. You've earned them.

Also on Wednesday

Say it confidently

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Ascendant from 13th to 15th April 2022. Exact 15th April

You can elevate your status in the eyes of certain people – or one person in particular – by speaking confidently and knowledgeably now. You have something interesting and relevant to say. Don't feel otherwise.

How can I be certain that someone or others will be interested in what I have to say?

Give someone or others a chance to be. Don't assume they won't be.

What if what I say is more appropriate or relevant to me than them?

They can still benefit from your input, observations, or advice.

Am I at risk of coming across as bossy?

That's unlikely. You're sharing input that is helpful to you and can trust it will be helpful to others.

Thursday 14th April

Embracing the 'feel-good factor'

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Mercury from 14th to 15th April 2022. Exact 15th April

Good news is winging its way to you that is bound to bring more than a smile to your face. To receive it, all you must do is show some effort to embrace it. Your newfound 'feel factor' might be infectious, too!

Will it be immediately obvious to me that this news is good?

It likely will.

How might it arrive?

It could arrive in one of various forms, so be receptive to all types of communication now.

Is what I discover something I'm likely to keep to myself?

Possibly but it's more likely to spur you on to apply your enhanced optimism positively.

Friday 15th April

Seeing what needs to be seen

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Neptune from 15th to 17th April 2022. Exact 16th April

You are in a much better position now to make a choice than you were recently. By being better informed now than you were, you can expect to have your spirits lifted enormously. That doesn't mean every answer you seek to a confusing or difficult situation will become available. But you will gain enough information to be able to proceed confidently and feel more reassured.

What if I've given up trying to make a decision, and am inclined to let whatever developments want to unfold to do so?

Allow certain information to arrive and then see how it inspires you.

But if the situation remains confusing or difficult, then shouldn't I allow more information to arrive?

You'll have enough information to take a step forward in a way you haven't done.

Once this information arrives, can I expect more?

You could find that you have enough to take an essential step initially. But that doesn't mean only a single burst of inspiration will come your way.

Saturday 16th April

A valuable discovery

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Saturn from 16th to 18th April 2022. Exact 17th April

There is something you must learn about yourself. By doing so and learning something valuable, you will be in an excellent position to move a plan forward. It's time to address something you've chosen to ignore. Once you take a brave step forward, life will become noticeably easier and sweeter.

What if I learn or discover something unwelcome about myself?

There could be a lifelong lesson in store. You'll appreciate it.

Will whatever I discover be integral to a plan's success?

It could be eventually, but it will certainly be enough to get it moving in the right direction.

Why can I expect life to be noticeably easier and sweeter as a result?

With your confidence boosted in the way it looks set to be, you'll feel much more at ease with tackling what has been problematic recently. You could also feel braver to explore new options.

Sunday 17th April

New levels of depth and clarity

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Chiron from 17th to 19th April 2022. Exact 18th April

You have an excellent chance to open lines of communication with others, or one special person in particular. Your heightened sensitivity makes you more willing to listen. It also helps you to convey yourself with new levels of depth and clarity. You could be surprised at how this can strengthen – or, where necessary, heal – a relationship.

Am I at risk of coming across as too deep or profound?

It's unlikely. You'll be able to convey or express yourself with the right levels of authenticity.

What if I try to open the lines of communication but find others our unreceptive to doing so?

If you encourage others to communicate with the right levels of sensitivity, then you're likely to find they respond positively.

How will I be able to find the balance needed between talking and listening?

Your intuition is unlikely to fail you where that's concerned. When you know you've made a point, allow someone to do the same.

Monday 18th April

Tackle it confidently

Transiting Mercury Opposes your natal Pluto from 18th to 20th April 2022. Exact 19th April

It's possible fear is being nurtured. Even if you feel it's justified, circumstances encourage you to accept that an issue needs to be faced and dealt with confidently. You can tackle what needs tackling. As long as you're willing to bring the issue out into the open where it can be seen clearly and create a strategy to resolve it, then success is assured.

Is bringing this issue into the open likely to be painful or upsetting?

Chances are, nurturing a particular fear has been and will continue to be more stressful or upsetting. You're about to see something realistically to resolve it. (Note the bit above about success being assured.)

If I have suppressed this fear for some time, then it's probably because an obvious way of resolving it hasn't presented itself. Why might that be happening now?

You've likely reached a point where there's no need to continue suppressing this fear. You have provided it with a lifeline for long enough.

How can I be certain that the strategy I adopt to put this fear to rest will be effective?

By bringing this fear into the open, you diminish its strength. What you may have seen as the shadow of a fierce tiger could reveal itself to be a kitten!

Tuesday 19th April

Open mind

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal North Node from 19th to 21st April 2022. Exact 20th April

Conveying your ideas for the future could be tricky at this time. If your goals are vague, then your efforts could be sporadic and inconsistent. However, this could be due to overthinking them or working so rigidly to a plan that you become confused or agitated when everything doesn't go entirely to plan. Adopt a more open mind to suggestions - and be willing to listen.

If my plan doesn't go to plan, then does that mean I haven't thought it through properly?

Not necessarily. But it may require a bit more realistic tweaking.

If I listen to others, will I feel reassured that they understand what I'm keen to achieve?

Even if they don't fully understand, they could still have helpful or valuable input to offer.

Do my goals need to be crystal clear, or is it not making some effort to push them forward enough to do so?

You can benefit from helping goals to become clearer in your mind. But applying a bit of imagination to these could also prove helpful.

Also on Tuesday

Speaking authentically

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal South Node from 19th to 21st April 2022. Exact 20th April

Expressing thoughts or feelings could be particularly difficult at this time. It's also possible your attitude toward communicating stems from issues your parents experienced similarly. You're encouraged to accept the need to communicate or open up with someone who won't stifle your personality and wants you to be yourself.

How might any issues my parents experienced affect the way I communicate?

It could be complicated, but you may have observed communicative obstacles they encountered and absorbed these or believed them to be normal.

Instead of finding someone who encourages me to be myself when communicating, shouldn't I do so with everyone?

That would be helpful initially, especially if it does help you to find people who can be 'sounding boards' for you.

Is it a case of the more I express myself authentically, the more communicative barriers will disappear?

That is correct.

Monday 25th April

Less concerned

Transiting Mercury Opposes your natal Mars from 25th to 27th April 2022. Exact 26th April

Somewhere in your world, an intense debate is either brewing - or happening. There is a way you can reduce or eliminate the amount of stress involved in this scenario. The key to doing so surrounds being less determined to retain control over something you ought to be less concerned about.

If I felt a reason to be concerned about this existed, then is it unlikely to be unfounded?

You could be reacting a bit too passionately toward something that you can afford to apply less focus to.

So an intense debate likely means that somebody believes I'm taking this matter too seriously?

Someone's 'beef' probably has more to do with you being determined to retain control of something they believe you needn't control.

But is it not possible a situation could become tenser or unmanageable if I don't continue to control it?

Try letting a situation unfold or progress in the way it wants to. Not only will this suit you, but it will probably suit somebody else.

Saturday 30th April

Apply ingenuity to bring something magical

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Venus from 30th April 2022 to 3rd May 2022. Exact 2nd May

It is how you apply ingenuity now that puts you in a wonderfully strong position. Comfort is winging its way to you and most likely in a material or financial sense. But real, long-lasting comfort is likely to come from you devising a clever plan and pursuing a wonderful - and potentially magical - idea.

What if I don't feel reassured this idea is wonderful and potentially magical?

You'll be able to trust the way it inspires and motivates you. That will be enough to spur you on.

Is money or material gain likely to be the only byproduct of this idea?

No. You could find that comfort arrives by expressing yourself creatively or possibly by forming a romantic connection.

Is my idea or plan something I should share with others?

You'll likely struggle not to!

Forecast for May 2022

Monday 16th May


Apply ingenuity to bring something magical

Transiting Mercury Retrograde Trines your natal Venus from 16th to 21st May 2022. Exact 19th May

It is how you apply ingenuity now that puts you in a wonderfully strong position. Comfort is winging its way to you and most likely in a material or financial sense. But real, long-lasting comfort is likely to come from you devising a clever plan and pursuing a wonderful - and potentially magical - idea.

What if I don't feel reassured this idea is wonderful and potentially magical?

You'll be able to trust the way it inspires and motivates you. That will be enough to spur you on.

Is money or material gain likely to be the only byproduct of this idea?

No. You could find that comfort arrives by expressing yourself creatively or possibly by forming a romantic connection.

Is my idea or plan something I should share with others?

You'll likely struggle not to!

Thursday 26th May


Less concerned

Transiting Mercury Retrograde Opposes your natal Mars from 26th May 2022 to 9th June 2022. Exact 29th May

Somewhere in your world, an intense debate is either brewing - or happening. There is a way you can reduce or eliminate the amount of stress involved in this scenario. The key to doing so surrounds being less determined to retain control over something you ought to be less concerned about.

If I felt a reason to be concerned about this existed, then is it unlikely to be unfounded?

You could be reacting a bit too passionately toward something that you can afford to apply less focus to.

So an intense debate likely means that somebody believes I'm taking this matter too seriously?

Someone's 'beef' probably has more to do with you being determined to retain control of something they believe you needn't control.

But is it not possible a situation could become tenser or unmanageable if I don't continue to control it?

Try letting a situation unfold or progress in the way it wants to. Not only will this suit you, but it will probably suit somebody else.

Forecast for June 2022

Monday 13th June

Apply ingenuity to bring something magical

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Venus from 13th to 16th June 2022. Exact 15th June

It is how you apply ingenuity now that puts you in a wonderfully strong position. Comfort is winging its way to you and most likely in a material or financial sense. But real, long-lasting comfort is likely to come from you devising a clever plan and pursuing a wonderful - and potentially magical - idea.

What if I don't feel reassured this idea is wonderful and potentially magical?

You'll be able to trust the way it inspires and motivates you. That will be enough to spur you on.

Is money or material gain likely to be the only byproduct of this idea?

No. You could find that comfort arrives by expressing yourself creatively or possibly by forming a romantic connection.

Is my idea or plan something I should share with others?

You'll likely struggle not to!

Sunday 26th June

You'll need a co-pilot

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal North Node from 26th to 29th June 2022. Exact 28th June

You could feel extra determined to ensure that a plan doesn't become derailed at this time. One way to ensure this involves having a partner of some kind accompany you on your ambitious journey. Embracing the spirit of teamwork and discussing your dreams with someone can result in exciting ideas created together for the future.

What if this plan or dream is something I'm keen to pursue solo?

Give putting two heads together to create this plan a chance and see what happens.

Will involving a partner mean I must compromise my goal or cherished aspiration?

It probably won't take you long to discover how embracing the spirit of partnership doubles its chances of success.

What if something important to me must incorporate the needs of someone else?

You and someone will both be inspired by a vision of the future, and will get the balance right.

Also on Sunday

Meeting of minds

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal South Node from 26th to 29th June 2022. Exact 28th June

You could be keen to encourage more of a 'quid pro quo' arrangement with a certain person regarding the sharing of ideas, thoughts, feelings, and desires. You're willing to be open with them, provided they are equally open with you. This can do much to strengthen the intellectual connection between you.

What if somebody isn't receptive to sharing such openness?

You can be integral to bringing balance to this relationship. What you're encouraging will create a much deeper level of trust. With that in place, someone will be more willing to be open with you.

Will the level of openness between us be imbalanced at first?

Possibly. But once a deeper level of trust exists, then much will become balanced.

Is it essential for me to take the lead to encourage openness or vulnerability?

If you take the initiative, then you could shorten a process that could be long otherwise.

Wednesday 29th June

Sharing has benefits

Transiting Mercury Opposes your natal Sun from 29th June 2022 to 1st July 2022. Exact 30th June

It may be necessary to share something in your world and allow someone to benefit from doing so. But rather than nurture resentment, look for the benefits that exist for you, even if you might have to look hard initially to see them!

Is there an imbalance between what I give someone and receive in return?

No. Whatever your arrangement is with this person, both of you will likely benefit evenly.

Why might the benefits to me be difficult to see initially?

It might appear as if someone else benefits from your generosity or support. But closer examination could reveal that there are advantages to you of offering both.

Is there a time limit attached to what I give to this person?

No, but once you see how this 'quid pro quo' arrangement works for both of you, then you probably won't be inclined to withdraw your assistance or support.

Forecast for July 2022

Tuesday 5th July

Releasing emotions brings understanding

Transiting Mercury Conjuncts your natal Moon from 5th to 7th July 2022. Exact 6th July

We often hear people talk about 'bottling emotions.' Does this analogy hold any relevance for you now? There appear to be emotions you need to express. Making your feelings clear will not only make you feel better, but you could gain valuable insight into a situation that has confused you.

What if I don't feel better from expressing emotions?

You have absolutely nothing to lose from doing so. The more you suppress these, the more intensely they're likely to emerge in the future.

Will this process be one-sided, or will somebody be equally open with me?

Whether they choose to make themselves vulnerable is their choice. But you can encourage trust to help them to do so.

How will making myself vulnerable bring insight regarding a confusing situation?

You could discover how or where you've made an inaccurate assessment of something - or someone.

Also on Tuesday

Gentle persuasion

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal MidHeaven from 5th to 6th July 2022. Exact 6th July

Where you and a certain person are potentially locking horns, the key to resolving this lies with continued and open communication. You're both closer to reaching a compromise than you believe.
It's acceptable for someone to adopt a contrary position. But success relies on them supporting your ideas or proposals. With gentle persuasion and reiterating benefits to them of what you're proposing, you can achieve it.

What if we believe we've pursued all communication avenues and options?

Then take that as your cue to apply some gentle persuasion.

What if I don't find their contrary position acceptable?

It is the fact that you don't find it acceptable that poses the current problem. They have a right to disagree. Your mission now involves reducing pressure to make your point.

If I've already made clear the benefits to them of agreeing with me, then why do I need to reiterate them?

It's by applying a bit more sensitivity this time that you could succeed in making your point.

Wednesday 6th July

To your advantage

Transiting Mercury Opposes your natal Uranus from 6th to 7th July 2022. Exact 7th July

You can, if you wish, become discouraged or resentful about a certain development. But, before you do, look at how it is unlikely to have been prevented. You know something wasn't 'right' or needed improving. You now have a chance to reassess a situation - and turn it to your advantage.

Why am I taking the initiative now to bring an improvement rather than previously?

This could be due to a brainwave you experience that is connected to a clever way to bring far-reaching change.

Will I not need to address this matter in the future?

You may have to. But what you learn and apply on this occasion will come in handy should a need arise in the future.

Is this development likely to arrive out of the blue?

It likely will. But don't be taken aback by the speed at which you must react or respond.

Thursday 7th July

Review your options

Transiting Mercury Conjuncts your natal Jupiter from 7th to 9th July 2022. Exact 8th July

Be willing to look beyond what's obvious. Before you take action that you're encouraged to take, take some time to review all of your options. You're bound to see something you like that you probably hadn't considered!

If I see too many options, will that not confuse me?

You probably won't struggle to focus on those that hold instant appeal!

Would it not be wiser to take the step that I'm encouraged to take and see what happens?

You must give proper thought to the step you're considering. You could see a situation exaggeratedly as it is, and impulsive actions won't be helpful.

Will seeing options I hadn't seen previously caused me to reassess a plan or goal?

Possibly, but identifying new and improved ways to achieve your goal is bound to be appealing.

Also on Thursday

Avoid carelessness

Transiting Mercury Opposes your natal Ascendant from 7th to 9th July 2022. Exact 9th July

You can save yourself considerable frustration - and potential embarrassment - by ensuring whatever you communicate has been thought through properly or checked thoroughly. You might not get a second chance to make a first impression.

Will this not cause my communication to sound or feel rehearsed?

Possibly, but that's a small price to pay to ensure that what you say or convey is understood and not at risk of misinterpretation.

What if I pay too much attention to the details and cause my message to be vague by doing so?

Taking the time to think through what you want to say or convey could help you to spot any inconsistencies, errors, or inaccuracies that could be unhelpful – or embarrassing.

If I convey myself naturally and in a way that feels comfortable to me, then should I be concerned if someone doesn't approve of it?

It's not a case of them approving or disapproving. You could create complications and do yourself a disservice by being careless or complacent.

Friday 8th July

Face what needs to be faced

Transiting Mercury Opposes your natal Mercury from 8th to 9th July 2022. Exact 9th July

Truth, we are told, tends to 'stare us in the face.' In your world now, there is something truthful that you shouldn't be ignoring. It requires you to face it – but this needn't be difficult or confrontational because it's unlikely to be as 'big' as you believe it is.

If the truth is also known to hurt, is accepting this likely to be painful?

There may be some discomfort attached to accepting what needs to be accepted, but seeing a situation realistically will be preferable to seeing it unrealistically.

If I face and accept this truth, will I know what to do with this newfound enlightenment?

Being armed with reliable and realistic information will help you to identify what your next move should be.

Although the issue might not be as big as I thought it was, there is presumably still something I must address or resolve about it?

Yes, but when you see it in a more accurate perspective, you will see that it isn't as daunting as it appeared to be.

Saturday 9th July

Desire could overthrow logic

Transiting Mercury Opposes your natal Neptune from 9th to 11th July 2022. Exact 10th July

Will a little bit of what you fancy do you good? That depends on how certain you are about the repercussions or consequences of pursuing or accepting it. Even if someone appears less than honest with you, be honest with yourself. Even if they're very persuasive and encouraging you to reconsider your options in some way, be 'live' to the possibility that you could be kidding yourself.

Is somebody more deceptive than I believe them to be?

Not necessarily. They may have a slightly skewed 'take' on a situation and be keen for you to see it similarly.

Either they're honest or dishonest - which is it?

Chances are, they are more honest than dishonest. The fact that they're less than truthful with you could be due to them convincing themselves of something untrue. You could possess the ability to see through this.

If they're trying to persuade me to reconsider my options in some way, then does that mean they don't have my best interests at heart?

Again, this could be due to them convincing themselves of something that they do not see realistically or accurately. They may genuinely believe they're helpful, but the fact that they see something unrealistically could make it appear as if they have a hidden agenda.

Sunday 10th July

The key to the future is in the past

Transiting Mercury Opposes your natal Saturn from 10th to 12th July 2022. Exact 11th July

There is a curious link between your past, present, and future now. Something from your past plays a key role in what is happening presently. But don't succumb to impatience. Look instead at how similar what happened previously is to what is happening now – and how you can influence the future based on your knowledge of both.

Did whatever occurred in the past not involve different circumstances to what I'm experiencing now?

Most certainly. However, there is a valuable lesson contained in what you experienced previously that can be applied effectively now.

Am I at risk of repeating a mistake made in the past?

A mistake is only a mistake if we make it a second time. If you can connect with the nugget of insight or the lesson on offer, then you won't be at risk of doing anything you regret.

Do I not possess the wisdom to assess accurately what's occurring now without having to look backward?

You undoubtedly possess the wisdom, but only because you have experience to draw upon!

Monday 11th July

A valuable discovery

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Pluto from 11th to 13th July 2022. Exact 13th July

You are capable of tackling on your own what needs to be tackled. It is the discovery of certain information that will boost your confidence. Once done, you will feel confident to face issues or individuals you've feared facing. You'll be more inclined to bring out into the open what has been conveniently brushed under a proverbial carpet.

Is this likely to take the form of a revelation?

Very much so. You will know how to make full use of it when it arrives.

What if I struggle to summon the confidence or courage to face what or who needs facing?

You're dealing more with a fact than an assumption now. What is revealed will put you in a much stronger position.

Although I might be keen to bring into the open what has been concealed, is it possible someone or others won't be appreciative of this?

If you're presenting them with a fact or the truth, which is likely to be the case, then whether they appreciate it or not shouldn't be your problem. You've done what's necessary.

Also on Monday

Better out than in

Transiting Mercury Conjuncts your natal Chiron from 11th to 12th July 2022. Exact 12th July

If in doubt, speak your mind and from the depths of your heart. Summoning courage in such a way can heal past wounds attached to regrets or guilt you might nurture from the past regarding what you said - or wished you had said!

If what I said previously resulted in me or someone being hurt, then am I not at risk of doing so again?

You have lessons that you've learned from any previous episode. It's more important that you say this time what you didn't say previously as long as it's truthful and heartfelt.

Does this need to take the form of an apology?

If that's all that's required to free you from nurturing pain or guilt from the past or restore a special connection, then, by all means, offer one!

Will I look back on this episode and wish that I had or hadn't said something?

It's possible. But it's by revealing your authentic self and speaking from the depths of your heart that you're likely to leave no verbal stone unturned.

Saturday 16th July

Leave aggression on the doorstep

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Mars from 16th to 18th July 2022. Exact 17th July

Your impatience to make a certain point might be underpinned with more aggression than you intend. Be diplomatic and ensure sensitivity plays a big part in whatever it is you feel the need to say to a certain person now.

What if I can't help but feel angry toward whatever I'm dealing with?

Anger could be a natural reaction. But it doesn't need to manifest in the ways you might feel it should.

But if I have a point that needs to be made, then shouldn't I make it passionately?

Making your point passionately is fine. But an issue exists regarding the way you could make it aggressively or confrontationally. That's what needs attention now.

Will bringing an improvement require as much effort as I can give toward doing so?

You're at risk of going over the top in some way. You have an abundance of passionate energy demanding to be applied. Focus on ways this can be done constructively - or pleasurably.

Tuesday 19th July

Repetition is not necessary

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal MidHeaven from 19th to 21st July 2022. Exact 20th July

You might believe making a point repeatedly will result in the person or people you wish to influence succumbing or agreeing with you. But this plan can backfire if you're not careful. You'll gain more support if you make your point sensibly, succinctly, and sensitively.

If I feel I must reiterate my point, then does that mean I sense others aren't listening?

You might sense that's the case, but that might not necessarily be true.

Does my desire to reiterate my point stem from believing others don't understand it?

It's possible, but that might not necessarily be true either.

Does repeating my point not reinforce how passionately I feel about it?

It could reinforce your passion, but cause others to see you as unnecessarily forceful.

Also on Tuesday

What's truly valuable

Transiting Mercury Opposes your natal Venus from 19th to 20th July 2022. Exact 20th July

What do you believe yourself to be 'worth'? If you're not already seeing how much you matter to a certain person or others, then coming events will do much to reassure you. But you're about to be reminded of how much you matter to yourself.

Will I need to encourage this attention, or will it come without my efforts?

Whether it occurs due to communication coming your way or the arrival of particular information, you're unlikely to have to instigate or encourage it.

How will I know if what I'm told is genuine or authentic?

However information comes your way; you can trust that it is heartfelt and genuine.

What might bring the need for me to apply more self-love?

This could arrive due to a revelation or an epiphany you experience that it may be time to focus on your needs for a change.

Tuesday 26th July

Removing window dressing

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Pluto from 26th to 28th July 2022. Exact 27th July

To bring a much-needed change, a tense or potentially difficult conversation needs to be had. You might even discover you possess the courage to say a few things you've been afraid to say or chose, for reasons known best to yourself, to keep hidden. Say what you know needs to be said from the depths of your heart. You will have nothing to be apologetic for or regretful about.

If I have refrained from saying anything, then is it not true there could be a good reason for this?

Your reason or reasons for keeping something to yourself could stem more from fear than having a helpful reason to suppress anything.

Will making myself vulnerable to speak from my heart be uncomfortable?

It may feel uncomfortable initially, but the reward for doing so will outweigh any discomfort.

Even if I speak the truth, will somebody find it uncomfortable or painful?

It's possible. The truth is known to hurt sometimes. But it's always better out than in.

Wednesday 27th July

New experiences beckon

Transiting Mercury Opposes your natal North Node from 27th to 28th July 2022. Exact 28th July

You could be inclined to resist change now, perhaps in the belief that all is hunky-dory as it is. But you might also sense a need to be more proactive and break new ground instead of remaining in a deep comfort zone. Expect to be enlightened about how you've closed yourself off to new experiences and why you should treat them with a more open mind.

Is that not the same as introducing change for the sake of it?

Once you accept honestly how deep a particular comfort zone is, then you will also accept how it hampers your ability to grow as an individual.

But if I'm comfortable with my current circumstances, then can't I leave them as they are?

Once you connect with the new and enlightening experiences on offer, you will probably have no issue with instigating this necessary change.

Am I being forced to focus on these new experiences, or will I embrace them of my own accord?

You're not forced in any way. But you are strongly encouraged to look toward new horizons that offer stimulating growth.

Also on Wednesday

Releasing rigid expectations

Transiting Mercury Conjuncts your natal South Node from 27th to 28th July 2022. Exact 28th July

Your keenness to connect with those whom you're intellectually matched could have been helpful in the past. Despite being aware of how this strict requirement restricts or prohibits you from making progress now and in the future, you could choose to remain in a protective comfort zone. This is a time to question – honestly – how content you are by adhering to these rigid expectations.

Why am I obliged to remove myself from what feels comfortable?

New mentally stimulating connections can be made. Your personal growth relies on these.

What if I prefer to be selective about whom I form mentally stimulating connections with?

You can continue to do so. But fresh options and opportunities are on offer - and deserve to be considered or explored.

What if I discover that what's mentally stimulating to me isn't to someone else - or vice versa?

Allow new connections and interactions to arrive. Until you experience these first hand, you won't know how helpful or valuable they can be.

Thursday 28th July

Give it your all

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Sun from 28th to 30th July 2022. Exact 30th July

The progress you yearn to make now is clearly important to you. It deserves respect you're keen to give it and also deserves the success you want to achieve. Whether you achieve either or both depends entirely on how seriously you want either or both. Aim at nothing, and you're guaranteed to hit it. Give what matters most to you the time, attention, and effort it needs, and you stand to be both amazed and delighted by what you achieve.

Isn't that the kind of advice that could apply to achieving any goal?

Absolutely. But don't rule out how exceptionally placed you are now to achieve something spectacular.

Do I need to have a clearly defined plan before making an effort?

The clearer and more vivid your plan is, the more likely it is you'll be successful. But passionate energy is your ticket to achieving something close to your heart now.

How will I know if I should continue to invest time and effort?

Let the results speak for themselves. Once you start to see these, you'll know how, where, and when to continue investing effort.

Sunday 31st July

Is a plan worthy of your efforts?

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Mars from 31st July 2022 to 2nd August 2022. Exact 2nd August

Ideas, suggestions, and situations could be coming thick and fast. But you're likely to need to show restraint to avoid a confrontation or making an ill-thought-through proposal or suggestion. Slow down and assess if what you're planning is deserving of energy you're inclined to give it. If it is, then 'give it your all' and don't look back. If you have reservations, then trust they exist for a good reason.

Is it possible I will feel frustrated at the situation that exists between this person and me?

It's possible. But frustration may exist mainly due to you having numerous ideas regarding how to improve it but feeling unsure about how to apply them.

Am I at risk of being forceful regarding the ideas I'm keen to suggest or implement?

That is likely the case, so be careful.

If I feel doubtful that I shouldn't proceed with a plan, then is it right to abandon it?

Not necessarily. But a serious review of where it goes from here could be needed.

Forecast for August 2022

Thursday 4th August

A way with words

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Moon from 4th to 6th August 2022. Exact 6th August

When can you last recall speaking from your heart and revealing effortlessly what you felt? You should find making a point or conveying feelings, at least with words, considerably easier now.

Wouldn't supporting my words with actions be more effective?

Start with words. You can support them with actions later.

Is it possible someone might think I'm telling them what they want to hear?

That depends on how authentically you make your point or express thoughts or feelings.

Is making my point verbally less likely to be misinterpreted?

Yes. And what you say or convey can form the basis of a heartfelt two-way exchange.

Also on Thursday

Ensure you're understood

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal MidHeaven from 4th to 6th August 2022. Exact 5th August

You mustn't assume someone understands a point you're trying to convey. Don't take the fact that they nod as acceptance or understanding. Take time to ensure you're not misunderstood.

Is it possible they do understand me, and I'm the one misinterpreting this?

Leave no verbal stone unturned when it comes to making your point. You might need to encourage someone to listen a bit more intently than they are.

Am I not at risk of making my point too forcefully?

Your instincts are your best guide to determining when you said enough. But investing a bit more time now to make your point could save problems from arising later.

Is whatever I believed to be so important likely to be as important to someone else?

Perhaps not initially. But when someone understands why you take an issue seriously, then they'll make more of an effort to understand it.

Friday 5th August

Think it through

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Uranus from 5th to 7th August 2022. Exact 6th August

Be aware of how an action will always cause a reaction. You may need to accept responsibility for a change you instigate now. Be sure you want this change before you take the action you're considering taking. Once you take it, there may be no going back.

Am I risk of doing something hastily or recklessly?

Very much so. But only if you don't stop and think through what you're doing first.

Is it possible I've thought about this change for some time and believe the time is right to bring it?

You may have thought through this change but might not have thought through the benefits of taking spontaneous action to bring it.

Is it possible I'll feel more reassured by doing something rather than nothing?

Apply your effort in measured doses. Take careful steps. Being spontaneous can be exciting at times, but this is a time when you might wish you showed restraint.

Sunday 7th August

You can't fail to impress

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Jupiter from 7th to 9th August 2022. Exact 8th August

You're about to make a decision that alters an unsatisfactory situation beyond recognition. The process, though, is not as instant as it may appear. You've had to go through an intense trial and error period. But now that you have perfected, in your mind, a way forward, you cannot fail to impress others - including yourself!

How can I be certain that the way forward I identify is the right way?

Your enhanced levels of optimism exist for a good reason and will confirm this.

Am I able to apply lessons learned through this trial and error period?

That's exactly what this process encourages you to do.

Is it necessary for me to try to impress others?

You deserve the levels of respect and admiration coming your way. You've earned them.

Also on Sunday

Say it confidently

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Ascendant from 7th to 9th August 2022. Exact 9th August

You can elevate your status in the eyes of certain people – or one person in particular – by speaking confidently and knowledgeably now. You have something interesting and relevant to say. Don't feel otherwise.

How can I be certain that someone or others will be interested in what I have to say?

Give someone or others a chance to be. Don't assume they won't be.

What if what I say is more appropriate or relevant to me than them?

They can still benefit from your input, observations, or advice.

Am I at risk of coming across as bossy?

That's unlikely. You're sharing input that is helpful to you and can trust it will be helpful to others.

Monday 8th August

Embracing the 'feel-good factor'

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Mercury from 8th to 10th August 2022. Exact 9th August

Good news is winging its way to you that is bound to bring more than a smile to your face. To receive it, all you must do is show some effort to embrace it. Your newfound 'feel factor' might be infectious, too!

Will it be immediately obvious to me that this news is good?

It likely will.

How might it arrive?

It could arrive in one of various forms, so be receptive to all types of communication now.

Is what I discover something I'm likely to keep to myself?

Possibly but it's more likely to spur you on to apply your enhanced optimism positively.

Tuesday 9th August

Seeing what needs to be seen

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Neptune from 9th to 11th August 2022. Exact 11th August

You are in a much better position now to make a choice than you were recently. By being better informed now than you were, you can expect to have your spirits lifted enormously. That doesn't mean every answer you seek to a confusing or difficult situation will become available. But you will gain enough information to be able to proceed confidently and feel more reassured.

What if I've given up trying to make a decision, and am inclined to let whatever developments want to unfold to do so?

Allow certain information to arrive and then see how it inspires you.

But if the situation remains confusing or difficult, then shouldn't I allow more information to arrive?

You'll have enough information to take a step forward in a way you haven't done.

Once this information arrives, can I expect more?

You could find that you have enough to take an essential step initially. But that doesn't mean only a single burst of inspiration will come your way.

Thursday 11th August

A valuable discovery

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Saturn from 11th to 13th August 2022. Exact 12th August

There is something you must learn about yourself. By doing so and learning something valuable, you will be in an excellent position to move a plan forward. It's time to address something you've chosen to ignore. Once you take a brave step forward, life will become noticeably easier and sweeter.

What if I learn or discover something unwelcome about myself?

There could be a lifelong lesson in store. You'll appreciate it.

Will whatever I discover be integral to a plan's success?

It could be eventually, but it will certainly be enough to get it moving in the right direction.

Why can I expect life to be noticeably easier and sweeter as a result?

With your confidence boosted in the way it looks set to be, you'll feel much more at ease with tackling what has been problematic recently. You could also feel braver to explore new options.

Friday 12th August

New levels of depth and clarity

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Chiron from 12th to 14th August 2022. Exact 13th August

You have an excellent chance to open lines of communication with others, or one special person in particular. Your heightened sensitivity makes you more willing to listen. It also helps you to convey yourself with new levels of depth and clarity. You could be surprised at how this can strengthen – or, where necessary, heal – a relationship.

Am I at risk of coming across as too deep or profound?

It's unlikely. You'll be able to convey or express yourself with the right levels of authenticity.

What if I try to open the lines of communication but find others our unreceptive to doing so?

If you encourage others to communicate with the right levels of sensitivity, then you're likely to find they respond positively.

How will I be able to find the balance needed between talking and listening?

Your intuition is unlikely to fail you where that's concerned. When you know you've made a point, allow someone to do the same.

Saturday 13th August

Right here, right now

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Pluto from 13th to 15th August 2022. Exact 14th August

As keen as you might be to ensure something is put in place now that will facilitate a happier and brighter tomorrow, it is what's happening here, and now, that needs the most attention. But don't try to hasten a process that is unfolding in its own way and time.

Should I be applying focus on the future at the same time?

Don't take your eye off the future. But try to accept that what's occurring now provides essential stepping stones to arrive there.

What if I'm more inspired by the future than what I see in the present?

You're in the throes of a process that requires you to create solid foundations for a future aspiration or goal.

How will I know what steps to take in the present?

As long as you keep your focus on the desired result, you will receive the support you need to get a process underway properly.

Wednesday 17th August

What deserves attention

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Sun from 17th to 19th August 2022. Exact 18th August

Do you turn the other cheek? Do you ignore provocation? If you want to involve yourself in a pointless debate now, then you can. However, where tension exists between you and a certain person, avoid a drama that is better left alone. Something more constructive needs your time and attention.

Is it possible this debate could clear the air in some way?

You're more likely to find it goes around in circles than brings any closure.

What if I detect a matter shouldn't be left alone and needs to be aired or discussed?

If you believe that to be the case, then you could see the matter exaggeratedly.

How will I connect with what needs my time and attention?

Allow something inspiring to grow and intensify. You won't be able to ignore it.

Sunday 21st August

Don't fear the worst

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Mars from 21st to 23rd August 2022. Exact 22nd August

You have taken action in some way but could feel a mistake has been made. It's time to summon self-discipline, discrimination, and determination - combined with a healthy dose of faith in the fact that what you have instigated can only be beneficial.

If I believe I've made a mistake, then presumably, that's because a warning sign exists?

You could misinterpret a small surmountable obstacle as a sign that you have made an error.

How long will it take before I see signs that what I have instigated is beneficial?

You'll need to summon patience, but reassuring signs will appear before long.

Will there be some adjusting required on my part?

Possibly, but the more patience you're able to summon, the easier this will be.

Thursday 25th August

Apply ingenuity to bring something magical

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Venus from 25th to 28th August 2022. Exact 27th August

It is how you apply ingenuity now that puts you in a wonderfully strong position. Comfort is winging its way to you and most likely in a material or financial sense. But real, long-lasting comfort is likely to come from you devising a clever plan and pursuing a wonderful - and potentially magical - idea.

What if I don't feel reassured this idea is wonderful and potentially magical?

You'll be able to trust the way it inspires and motivates you. That will be enough to spur you on.

Is money or material gain likely to be the only byproduct of this idea?

No. You could find that comfort arrives by expressing yourself creatively or possibly by forming a romantic connection.

Is my idea or plan something I should share with others?

You'll likely struggle not to!

Saturday 27th August

Questions in measured doses

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Moon from 27th to 30th August 2022. Exact 29th August

If you're aware of a distinct feeling of confusion, then welcome it. It is uncertainty that is likely to encourage you to question one or two areas of your world that could do with being questioned. But you could be at risk of making a bigger issue out of something than is justified.

If I feel the need to ask numerous questions, then is that not due to me believing I'm missing essential information?

You have a right to ask questions, but asking too many could make clear how you see something exaggeratedly or too sensitively.

Will asking questions result in a change occurring that I'd prefer didn't happen?

They could bring change, but in ways you know, in your heart, you need it.

Will uncertainty cause me to ask questions I may regret asking?

That's unlikely. You know how and where you need enlightenment, and asking questions is the only way to receive it.

Sunday 28th August

Fix what needs fixing

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Uranus from 28th August 2022 to 1st September 2022. Exact 31st August

A drama is unfolding. It is by knowing how a certain situation can be adjusted or rearranged that offers the most effective way to improve it. Ignore the desire to be somewhere else. Removing yourself is not an option or a solution. The solution surrounds more meaning or depth given to a tired situation, and that's precisely what you can bring.

Is it possible that by distancing or detaching myself, I could gain a clearer idea of how to improve it?

There's no need to do so. Any desire to separate yourself from what needs addressing probably stems from a fear of facing it.

How has the situation been allowed to become tired or tiring?

Complacency may have set in. Or you may have struggled to summon the energy to address it.

Will the solution I offer be temporary or permanent?

It may not be permanent, but it will be far-reaching.

Forecast Until 8th September 2022

Friday 2nd September

Seeing a situation as it is

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Jupiter from 2nd to 7th September 2022. Exact 4th September

There appears to be uncertainty between you and someone about an arrangement and where this goes from here. You are not as trapped as you might believe you are, though. If you're willing to make progress and improve an arrangement that may no longer be valid or in need of updating, then a superb opportunity exists to do so. The key to achieving this lies with you not seeing an issue as bigger or more daunting than it really is.

If I see this situation as significant, then does that not reflect how important it is to me?

Nobody is disputing the importance. But you could read more into it than is necessary.

Is it possible somebody doesn't see the issue with the same level of importance I do?

This person probably accepts that the situation or arrangement requires a rethink. But they probably don't see the need to introduce drastic changes as you do.

Why might this situation or arrangement not be valid anymore?

Something has evolved between you and a particular individual. That's something to acknowledge positively.

Saturday 3rd September

Keep it simple

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Ascendant from 3rd to 15th September 2022. Exact 6th September

If what you're trying to convey to a certain person – or group of people – appears to be hard work, then rethink how you convey it. Remove all assumptions from the equation. Start again if you feel you must. You can save considerable hassle and frustration by doing both.

Is it possible I'm dealing with individuals who aren't making an effort to listen?

You could be overstating your message. It needs simplifying.

If I start again, then am I at risk of repeating myself?

Starting again and adopting a calmer approach will help to reiterate your message.

Is it possible I'm seen by others to be difficult to communicate with?

That could be the case if others wish you didn't elaborate so intently on the point you're keen to make. Try to balance speaking and listening.

Sunday 4th September

Time to be selective

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Mercury from 4th to 14th September 2022. Exact 8th September

Avoid giving time and attention to whatever or whoever isn't as worthy of it. With little effort, you can identify what or who is worthy of both. From there, you can make a decision that ensures you apply focus and effort where both are most sensible.

Is it fair to say I am removing something or someone from my world?

That's likely to be the case. But only because what you give and receive have become imbalanced.

Is this situation or a need to make a decision likely to feel frustrating?

It's possible. But any frustration can be harnessed positively to take the step that needs taking now.

Will I have to defend or justify my actions or decision?

Possibly, especially if you apply or make either or both quickly or hastily.

Taylor's Planetary Positions

December, 13th 1989 Local Time 8:36 AM Universal Time 1:36 PM

Wyomissing, Pennsylvania, United States 40°19'N, 75°57'W

All times based on current location of Wyomissing, United States


North Node











House Cusp Positions











Element Emphasis - Total Points









Modality Emphasis - Total Points







Planetary Weight Point System

Sun & Moon

Mercury, Venus & Mars

Jupiter & Saturn

4 points each
3 points each
2 points each

Uranus, Neptune & Pluto

Ascendant (Rising Sign)


1 points each
4 points
2 points

  • Geocentric
  • Tropical
  • Placidus
  • True Node

Planet Aspects & Orbs Grid


Harmonious Aspects


Challenging Aspects


Planet Aspect List

Sun Sextiles North Node
Moon Opposes Mercury
Moon Quincunx Venus
Moon Conjuncts Jupiter
Moon Opposes Uranus
Moon Opposes Neptune
Moon Opposes Ascendant
Moon Trines MidHeaven
Moon Sesquiquadrate North Node
Mercury Opposes Moon
Mercury Opposes Jupiter
Mercury Conjuncts Saturn
Mercury Conjuncts Uranus
Mercury Conjuncts Neptune
Mercury Conjuncts Ascendant
Mercury Opposes Chiron
Venus Quincunx Moon
Venus Squares MidHeaven
Mars Semisquare Saturn
Mars Semisquare Neptune
Jupiter Conjuncts Moon
Jupiter Opposes Mercury
Jupiter Opposes Saturn
Jupiter Opposes Uranus
Jupiter Opposes Neptune
Jupiter Opposes Ascendant
Jupiter Trines MidHeaven
Jupiter Conjuncts Chiron
Saturn Conjuncts Mercury
Saturn Semisquare Mars
Saturn Opposes Jupiter
Saturn Conjuncts Neptune
Saturn Sextiles Pluto
Saturn Conjuncts Ascendant
Saturn Opposes Chiron
Uranus Opposes Moon
Uranus Conjuncts Mercury
Uranus Opposes Jupiter
Uranus Conjuncts Neptune
Uranus Conjuncts Ascendant
Uranus Sextiles MidHeaven
Uranus Semisquare North Node
Neptune Opposes Moon
Neptune Conjuncts Mercury
Neptune Semisquare Mars
Neptune Opposes Jupiter
Neptune Conjuncts Saturn
Neptune Conjuncts Uranus
Neptune Conjuncts Ascendant
Neptune Opposes Chiron
Pluto Sextiles Saturn
Pluto Squares North Node
Pluto Trines Chiron
Ascendant Opposes Moon
Ascendant Conjuncts Mercury
Ascendant Opposes Jupiter
Ascendant Conjuncts Saturn
Ascendant Conjuncts Uranus
Ascendant Conjuncts Neptune
MidHeaven Trines Moon
MidHeaven Squares Venus
MidHeaven Trines Jupiter
MidHeaven Sextiles Uranus
North Node Sextiles Sun
North Node Sesquiquadrate Moon
North Node Semisquare Uranus
North Node Squares Pluto
Chiron Opposes Saturn
Chiron Opposes Neptune
Chiron Trines Pluto